Search Results for author: Ran Wang

Found 31 papers, 11 papers with code

Meta-LMTC: Meta-Learning for Large-Scale Multi-Label Text Classification

no code implementations EMNLP 2021 Ran Wang, Xi’ao Su, Siyu Long, Xinyu Dai, ShuJian Huang, Jiajun Chen

However, the simple extension of meta-learning approaches to multi-label classification is sub-optimal for LMTC tasks due to long-tailed label distribution and coexisting of few- and zero-shot scenarios.

Meta-Learning Multi-Label Classification +4

Similarity and Dissimilarity Guided Co-association Matrix Construction for Ensemble Clustering

1 code implementation1 Nov 2024 Xu Zhang, Yuheng Jia, Mofei Song, Ran Wang

Finally, the adversarial relationship between the similarity matrix and the dissimilarity matrix is utilized to construct a promoted CA matrix for ensemble clustering.


Multiobjective Vehicle Routing Optimization with Time Windows: A Hybrid Approach Using Deep Reinforcement Learning and NSGA-II

no code implementations18 Jul 2024 Rixin Wu, Ran Wang, Jie Hao, Qiang Wu, Ping Wang, Dusit Niyato

Notably, the weight-aware strategy significantly reduces the training time of DRL while achieving better results, enabling a single DRL model to solve the entire multiobjective optimization problem.

Deep Reinforcement Learning Multiobjective Optimization

Semi-supervised Symmetric Non-negative Matrix Factorization with Low-Rank Tensor Representation

1 code implementation4 May 2024 Yuheng Jia, Jia-Nan Li, Wenhui Wu, Ran Wang

To this end, we first propose a novel semi-supervised SNMF model by seeking low-rank representation for the tensor synthesized by the pairwise constraint matrix and a similarity matrix obtained by the product of the embedding matrix and its transpose, which could strengthen those two matrices simultaneously from a global perspective.

Large-scale Foundation Models and Generative AI for BigData Neuroscience

no code implementations27 Oct 2023 Ran Wang, Zhe Sage Chen

Recent advances in machine learning have made revolutionary breakthroughs in computer games, image and natural language understanding, and scientific discovery.

Data Augmentation Natural Language Understanding +3

CharacterChat: Learning towards Conversational AI with Personalized Social Support

1 code implementation20 Aug 2023 Quan Tu, Chuanqi Chen, Jinpeng Li, Yanran Li, Shuo Shang, Dongyan Zhao, Ran Wang, Rui Yan

In our modern, fast-paced, and interconnected world, the importance of mental well-being has grown into a matter of great urgency.

Multiobjective Hydropower Reservoir Operation Optimization with Transformer-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations11 Jul 2023 Rixin Wu, Ran Wang, Jie Hao, Qiang Wu, Ping Wang

Due to shortage of water resources and increasing water demands, the joint operation of multireservoir systems for balancing power generation, ecological protection, and the residential water supply has become a critical issue in hydropower management.

Decoder Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

Multi-label Classification with High-rank and High-order Label Correlations

2 code implementations9 Jul 2022 Chongjie Si, Yuheng Jia, Ran Wang, Min-Ling Zhang, Yanghe Feng, Chongxiao Qu

Previous methods capture the high-order label correlations mainly by transforming the label matrix to a latent label space with low-rank matrix factorization.

Common Sense Reasoning Multi-Label Classification +2

Ensemble Clustering via Co-association Matrix Self-enhancement

1 code implementation12 May 2022 Yuheng Jia, Sirui Tao, Ran Wang, Yongheng Wang

By propagating the highly-reliable information of the HC matrix to the CA matrix and complementing the HC matrix according to the CA matrix simultaneously, the proposed method generates an enhanced CA matrix for better clustering.


ViT-P: Rethinking Data-efficient Vision Transformers from Locality

1 code implementation4 Mar 2022 Bin Chen, Ran Wang, Di Ming, Xin Feng

We make vision transformers as data-efficient as convolutional neural networks by introducing multi-focal attention bias.

PDWN: Pyramid Deformable Warping Network for Video Interpolation

no code implementations4 Apr 2021 Zhiqi Chen, Ran Wang, Haojie Liu, Yao Wang

At the finest scale, the two warped frames are adaptively blended to generate the middle frame.

Optical Flow Estimation

Adversarial Learning with Cost-Sensitive Classes

no code implementations29 Jan 2021 Haojing Shen, Sihong Chen, Ran Wang, XiZhao Wang

This paper proposes a framework combining cost-sensitive classification and adversarial learning together to train a model that can distinguish between protected and unprotected classes, such that the protected classes are less vulnerable to adversarial examples.

Adversarial Robustness

Incorporating Hidden Layer representation into Adversarial Attacks and Defences

no code implementations28 Nov 2020 Haojing Shen, Sihong Chen, Ran Wang, XiZhao Wang

In this paper, we propose a defence strategy to improve adversarial robustness by incorporating hidden layer representation.

Adversarial Robustness

A Study on the Uncertainty of Convolutional Layers in Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations27 Nov 2020 Haojing Shen, Sihong Chen, Ran Wang

This paper points out a changing tendency of uncertainty in the convolutional layers of LeNet structure, and gives some insights to the interpretability of convolution.

Adversarial Robustness

A Review of Generalized Zero-Shot Learning Methods

1 code implementation17 Nov 2020 Farhad Pourpanah, Moloud Abdar, Yuxuan Luo, Xinlei Zhou, Ran Wang, Chee Peng Lim, Xi-Zhao Wang, Q. M. Jonathan Wu

Generalized zero-shot learning (GZSL) aims to train a model for classifying data samples under the condition that some output classes are unknown during supervised learning.

Generalized Zero-Shot Learning

A Review of the Family of Artificial Fish Swarm Algorithms: Recent Advances and Applications

no code implementations11 Nov 2020 Farhad Pourpanah, Ran Wang, Chee Peng Lim, Xi-Zhao Wang, Danial Yazdani

Owing to a number of salient properties, which include flexibility, fast convergence, and insensitivity to the initial parameter settings, the family of AFSA has emerged as an effective Swarm Intelligence (SI) methodology that has been widely applied to solve real-world optimization problems.

Combinatorial Optimization

R3: A Reading Comprehension Benchmark Requiring Reasoning Processes

no code implementations2 Apr 2020 Ran Wang, Kun Tao, Dingjie Song, Zhilong Zhang, Xiao Ma, Xi'ao Su, Xin-yu Dai

Existing question answering systems can only predict answers without explicit reasoning processes, which hinder their explainability and make us overestimate their ability of understanding and reasoning over natural language.

Question Answering Reading Comprehension

On the Search for Feedback in Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations21 Feb 2020 Ran Wang, Karthikeya S. Parunandi, Aayushman Sharma, Raman Goyal, Suman Chakravorty

The problem of Reinforcement Learning (RL) in an unknown nonlinear dynamical system is equivalent to the search for an optimal feedback law utilizing the simulations/ rollouts of the dynamical system.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Bayesian Network Based Label Correlation Analysis For Multi-label Classifier Chain

no code implementations6 Aug 2019 Ran Wang, Suhe Ye, Ke Li, Sam Kwong

Classifier chain (CC) is a multi-label learning approach that constructs a sequence of binary classifiers according to a label order.

Multi-Label Learning

To Tune or Not To Tune? How About the Best of Both Worlds?

2 code implementations9 Jul 2019 Ran Wang, Haibo Su, Chunye Wang, Kailin Ji, Jupeng Ding

In this regard, Peters et al. perform several experiments which demonstrate that it is better to adapt BERT with a light-weight task-specific head, rather than building a complex one on top of the pre-trained language model, and freeze the parameters in the said language model.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +3

A Survey and Experimental Analysis of Distributed Subgraph Matching

1 code implementation27 Jun 2019 Longbin Lai, Zhu Qing, Zhengyi Yang, Xin Jin, Zhengmin Lai, Ran Wang, Kongzhang Hao, Xuemin Lin, Lu Qin, Wenjie Zhang, Ying Zhang, Zhengping Qian, Jingren Zhou

We conduct extensive experiments for both unlabelled matching and labelled matching to analyze the performance of distributed subgraph matching under various settings, which is finally summarized as a practical guide.


Decoupled Data Based Approach for Learning to Control Nonlinear Dynamical Systems

1 code implementation17 Apr 2019 Ran Wang, Karthikeya Parunandi, Dan Yu, Dileep Kalathil, Suman Chakravorty

This paper proposes a novel decoupled data-based control (D2C) algorithm that addresses this problem using a decoupled, `open loop - closed loop', approach.

Reinforcement Learning

Realtime Scheduling and Power Allocation Using Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations18 Nov 2018 Shenghe Xu, Pei Liu, Ran Wang, Shivendra S. Panwar

With the increasing number of base stations (BSs) and network densification in 5G, interference management using link scheduling and power control are vital for better utilization of radio resources.

Management Scheduling

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