Search Results for author: Raphael Troncy

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Zero-Shot Information Extraction to Enhance a Knowledge Graph Describing Silk Textiles

1 code implementation EMNLP (LaTeCHCLfL, CLFL, LaTeCH) 2021 Thomas Schleider, Raphael Troncy

The knowledge of the European silk textile production is a typical case for which the information collected is heterogeneous, spread across many museums and sparse since rarely complete.

Common Sense Reasoning Knowledge Graphs +1

Apples to Apples: A Systematic Evaluation of Topic Models

1 code implementation RANLP 2021 Ismail Harrando, Pasquale Lisena, Raphael Troncy

In this paper, we present a selection of 9 topic modelling techniques from the state of the art reflecting a diversity of approaches to the task, an overview of the different metrics used to compare their performance, and the challenges of conducting such a comparison.

Diversity Topic Models +1

Many-to-one Recurrent Neural Network for Session-based Recommendation

no code implementations25 Aug 2020 Amine Dadoun, Raphael Troncy

We propose to use a many-to-one recurrent neural network that learns the probability that a user will click on an accommodation based on the sequence of actions he has performed during his browsing session.

Sentence Sentiment Analysis +1

Two Stages Approach for Tweet Engagement Prediction

no code implementations24 Aug 2020 Amine Dadoun, Ismail Harrando, Pasquale Lisena, Alison Reboud, Raphael Troncy

This paper describes the approach proposed by the D2KLab team for the 2020 RecSys Challenge on the task of predicting user engagement facing tweets.

Knowledge Graph Embeddings Sentiment Analysis +2

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