Search Results for author: Ravi Kashyap

Found 18 papers, 0 papers with code

The Blockchain Risk Parity Line: Moving From The Efficient Frontier To The Final Frontier Of Investments

no code implementations26 Jun 2024 Ravi Kashyap

The descriptions are intended to show how a risk parity based efficient frontier portfolio management engine - that caters to different risk appetites of investors by letting each individual investor select their preferred risk-return combination - can be created seamlessly on blockchain.

To Trade Or Not To Trade: Cascading Waterfall Round Robin Rebalancing Mechanism for Cryptocurrencies

no code implementations17 May 2024 Ravi Kashyap

We have designed an innovative portfolio rebalancing mechanism termed the Cascading Waterfall Round Robin Mechanism.

Arguably Adequate Aqueduct Algorithm: Crossing A Bridge-Less Block-Chain Chasm

no code implementations12 Sep 2023 Ravi Kashyap

We consider the problem of being a cross-chain wealth management platform with deposits, redemptions and investment assets across multiple networks.


A Tale of Two Currencies: Cash and Crypto

no code implementations13 Feb 2023 Ravi Kashyap

We discuss numerous justifications for why crypto-currencies would be highly conducive for the smooth functioning of today's society.

Management Vocal Bursts Valence Prediction

Are Instrumental Variables Really That Instrumental? Endogeneity Resolution in Regression Models for Comparative Studies

no code implementations27 Mar 2022 Ravi Kashyap

We provide a justification for why, and when, endogeneity will not cause bias in the interpretation of the coefficients in a regression model.


Behavioral Bias Benefits: Beating Benchmarks By Bundling Bouncy Baskets

no code implementations10 Aug 2021 Ravi Kashyap

We consider in detail an investment strategy, titled "The Bounce Basket", designed for someone to express a bullish view on the market by allowing them to take long positions on securities that would benefit the most from a rally in the markets.

Decision Making

Seven Survival Senses: Evolutionary Training makes Discerning Differences more Natural than Spotting Similarities

no code implementations8 Mar 2021 Ravi Kashyap

We discuss preliminary results from two experiments and put forth the notion that the development of sensory systems might be more geared towards discerning differences rather than for spotting similarities.


Imitation in the Imitation Game

no code implementations3 Nov 2019 Ravi Kashyap

We discuss the objectives of automation equipped with non-trivial decision making, or creating artificial intelligence, in the financial markets and provide a possible alternative.

Decision Making

Michael Milken: The Junk Dealer

no code implementations17 Oct 2019 Ravi Kashyap

We take a closer look at the life and legacy of Micheal Milken.

Concepts, Components and Collections of Trading Strategies and Market Color

no code implementations20 Sep 2019 Ravi Kashyap

This paper acts as a collection of various trading strategies and useful pieces of market information that might help to implement such strategies.

Asset Management

Artificial Intelligence: A Child's Play

no code implementations1 Jul 2019 Ravi Kashyap

We discuss the objectives of any endeavor in creating artificial intelligence, AI, and provide a possible alternative.


Microstructure under the Microscope: Tools to Survive and Thrive in The Age of (Too Much) Information

no code implementations26 Mar 2017 Ravi Kashyap

To aid in this effort to extract meaning from chaos and to gain a better understanding of the relationships between financial variables, we summarize the application of the theoretical results from (Kashyap 2016b) to microstructure studies.

Dimensionality Reduction LEMMA

Hong Kong -- Shanghai Connect / Hong Kong -- Beijing Disconnect (?): Scaling the Great Wall of Chinese Securities Trading Costs

no code implementations4 Mar 2016 Ravi Kashyap

We utilize a fundamentally different model of trading costs to look at the effect of the opening of the Hong Kong Shanghai Connect that links the stock exchanges in the two cities, arguably the biggest event in international business and finance since Christopher Columbus set sail for India.

Securities Lending Strategies: Exclusive Valuations and Auction Bids

no code implementations3 Mar 2016 Ravi Kashyap

We derive valuations of a portfolio of financial instruments from a securities lending perspective, under different assumptions, and show a weighting scheme that converges to the true valuation.

Asset Management

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