Search Results for author: Rayan El Helou

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

Voltage Constrained Heavy Duty Vehicle Electrification: Formulation and Case Study

no code implementations24 Nov 2023 Apurv Shukla, Rayan El Helou, Le Xie

The electrification of heavy-duty vehicles (HDEVs) is a rapidly emerging avenue for decarbonization of energy and transportation sectors.

Physical and Economic Viability of Cryptocurrency Mining for Provision of Frequency Regulation: A Real-World Texas Case Study

no code implementations16 Mar 2023 Rayan El Helou, Ali Menati, Le Xie

Demand flexibility plays a pivotal role in modern power systems with high penetration of variable energy resources.

Decision Making

Optimization of Cryptocurrency Miners' Participation in Ancillary Service Markets

no code implementations13 Mar 2023 Ali Menati, Yuting Cai, Rayan El Helou, Chao Tian, Le Xie

One of the most significant bottlenecks for the scalable deployment of such computation is its energy demand.

The Impact of Heavy-Duty Vehicle Electrification on Large Power Grids: a Synthetic Texas Case Study

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Rayan El Helou, S. Sivaranjani, Dileep Kalathil, Andrew Schaper, Le Xie

In fact, we find that as little as 11% of heavy duty vehicles in Texas charging simultaneously can lead to significant voltage violations on the transmission network that compromise grid reliability.

OpenGridGym: An Open-Source AI-Friendly Toolkit for Distribution Market Simulation

1 code implementation6 Mar 2022 Rayan El Helou, Kiyeob Lee, Dongqi Wu, Le Xie, Srinivas Shakkottai, Vijay Subramanian

This paper presents OpenGridGym, an open-source Python-based package that allows for seamless integration of distribution market simulation with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence (AI) decision-making algorithms.

Decision Making

Fully Decentralized Reinforcement Learning-based Control of Photovoltaics in Distribution Grids for Joint Provision of Real and Reactive Power

no code implementations3 Aug 2020 Rayan El Helou, Dileep Kalathil, Le Xie

In this paper, we introduce a new framework to address the problem of voltage regulation in unbalanced distribution grids with deep photovoltaic penetration.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

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