Search Results for author: Ren Ping Liu

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

ByCAN: Reverse Engineering Controller Area Network (CAN) Messages from Bit to Byte Level

no code implementations17 Aug 2024 Xiaojie Lin, Baihe Ma, Xu Wang, Guangsheng Yu, Ying He, Ren Ping Liu, Wei Ni

As the primary standard protocol for modern cars, the Controller Area Network (CAN) is a critical research target for automotive cybersecurity threats and autonomous applications.

Template Matching

A Secure Aggregation for Federated Learning on Long-Tailed Data

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Yanna Jiang, Baihe Ma, Xu Wang, Guangsheng Yu, Caijun Sun, Wei Ni, Ren Ping Liu

As a distributed learning, Federated Learning (FL) faces two challenges: the unbalanced distribution of training data among participants, and the model attack by Byzantine nodes.

Federated Learning

Blockchained Federated Learning for Internet of Things: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations8 May 2023 Yanna Jiang, Baihe Ma, Xu Wang, Ping Yu, Guangsheng Yu, Zhe Wang, Wei Ni, Ren Ping Liu

The demand for intelligent industries and smart services based on big data is rising rapidly with the increasing digitization and intelligence of the modern world.

Federated Learning Management

IronForge: An Open, Secure, Fair, Decentralized Federated Learning

no code implementations7 Jan 2023 Guangsheng Yu, Xu Wang, Caijun Sun, Qin Wang, Ping Yu, Wei Ni, Ren Ping Liu, Xiwei Xu

Federated learning (FL) provides an effective machine learning (ML) architecture to protect data privacy in a distributed manner.

Fairness Federated Learning

A Multi-intersection Vehicular Cooperative Control based on End-Edge-Cloud Computing

no code implementations1 Dec 2020 Mingzhi Jiang, Tianhao Wu, Zhe Wang, Yi Gong, Lin Zhang, Ren Ping Liu

In particular, we propose a Multi-intersection Vehicular Cooperative Control (MiVeCC) to enable cooperation among vehicles in a large area with multiple unsignalized intersections.

Cloud Computing Management

Tensor-based Multi-dimensional Wideband Channel Estimation for mmWave Hybrid Cylindrical Arrays

no code implementations10 Sep 2020 Zhipeng Lin, Tiejun Lv, Wei Ni, J. Andrew Zhang, Ren Ping Liu

Channel estimation is challenging for hybrid millimeter wave (mmWave) large-scale antenna arrays which are promising in 5G/B5G applications.

Signal Processing

Nested Hybrid Cylindrical Array Design and DoA Estimation for Massive IoT Networks

no code implementations20 Jul 2020 Zhipeng Lin, Tiejun Lv, Wei Ni, J. Andrew Zhang, Ren Ping Liu

As a result, only a small number of RF chains are required to preserve the DoF of the UCyA.

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