Search Results for author: Renato Cerqueira

Found 13 papers, 4 papers with code

A Large Encoder-Decoder Family of Foundation Models For Chemical Language

1 code implementation24 Jul 2024 Eduardo Soares, Victor Shirasuna, Emilio Vital Brazil, Renato Cerqueira, Dmitry Zubarev, Kristin Schmidt

These methods excel in tasks such as property prediction and molecule generation by learning contextualized representations of input tokens through self-supervised learning on large unlabeled corpora.

Decoder Few-Shot Learning +2

Improving Molecular Properties Prediction Through Latent Space Fusion

1 code implementation20 Oct 2023 Eduardo Soares, Akihiro Kishimoto, Emilio Vital Brazil, Seiji Takeda, Hiroshi Kajino, Renato Cerqueira

Pre-trained Language Models have emerged as promising tools for predicting molecular properties, yet their development is in its early stages, necessitating further research to enhance their efficacy and address challenges such as generalization and sample efficiency.

Molecular Property Prediction Property Prediction

Beyond Chemical Language: A Multimodal Approach to Enhance Molecular Property Prediction

no code implementations22 Jun 2023 Eduardo Soares, Emilio Vital Brazil, Karen Fiorela Aquino Gutierrez, Renato Cerqueira, Dan Sanders, Kristin Schmidt, Dmitry Zubarev

Our approach opens up promising avenues for future research in molecular property prediction by harnessing the synergistic potential of both chemical language and physicochemical features, leading to enhanced performance and advancements in the field.

feature selection Language Modelling +2

Position Paper on Dataset Engineering to Accelerate Science

no code implementations9 Mar 2023 Emilio Vital Brazil, Eduardo Soares, Lucas Villa Real, Leonardo Azevedo, Vinicius Segura, Luiz Zerkowski, Renato Cerqueira

Moreover, the dataset will be used in most cases as a blueprint of an entity that at any moment can be stored as a table.


Toward Human-AI Co-creation to Accelerate Material Discovery

no code implementations5 Nov 2022 Dmitry Zubarev, Carlos Raoni Mendes, Emilio Vital Brazil, Renato Cerqueira, Kristin Schmidt, Vinicius Segura, Juliana Jansen Ferreira, Dan Sanders

There is an increasing need in our society to achieve faster advances in Science to tackle urgent problems, such as climate changes, environmental hazards, sustainable energy systems, pandemics, among others.

Management scientific discovery

Workflow Provenance in the Lifecycle of Scientific Machine Learning

no code implementations30 Sep 2020 Renan Souza, Leonardo G. Azevedo, Vítor Lourenço, Elton Soares, Raphael Thiago, Rafael Brandão, Daniel Civitarese, Emilio Vital Brazil, Marcio Moreno, Patrick Valduriez, Marta Mattoso, Renato Cerqueira, Marco A. S. Netto

We contribute with (i) characterization of the lifecycle and taxonomy for data analyses; (ii) design principles to build this view, with a W3C PROV compliant data representation and a reference system architecture; and (iii) lessons learned after an evaluation in an Oil & Gas case using an HPC cluster with 393 nodes and 946 GPUs.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Effective Integration of Symbolic and Connectionist Approaches through a Hybrid Representation

no code implementations18 Dec 2019 Marcio Moreno, Daniel Civitarese, Rafael Brandao, Renato Cerqueira

In this paper, we present our position for a neuralsymbolic integration strategy, arguing in favor of a hybrid representation to promote an effective integration.


Managing Machine Learning Workflow Components

1 code implementation10 Dec 2019 Marcio Moreno, Vítor Lourenço, Sandro Rama Fiorini, Polyana Costa, Rafael Brandão, Daniel Civitarese, Renato Cerqueira

To handle this problem, in this paper, we introduce machine learning workflow management (MLWfM) as a technique to aid the development and reuse of MLWfs and their components through three aspects: representation, execution, and creation.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Management +1

Provenance Data in the Machine Learning Lifecycle in Computational Science and Engineering

no code implementations9 Oct 2019 Renan Souza, Leonardo Azevedo, Vítor Lourenço, Elton Soares, Raphael Thiago, Rafael Brandão, Daniel Civitarese, Emilio Vital Brazil, Marcio Moreno, Patrick Valduriez, Marta Mattoso, Renato Cerqueira, Marco A. S. Netto

To handle this problem, in this paper we contribute with a detailed characterization of provenance data in the ML lifecycle in CSE; a new provenance data representation, called PROV-ML, built on top of W3C PROV and ML Schema; and extensions to a system that tracks provenance from multiple workflows to address the characteristics of ML and CSE, and to allow for provenance queries with a standard vocabulary.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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