Search Results for author: Rene Just

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Removing biased data to improve fairness and accuracy

1 code implementation5 Feb 2021 Sahil Verma, Michael Ernst, Rene Just

Machine learning models trained on such debiased data (a subset of the original training data) have low individual discrimination, often 0%.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Fairness

Tea: A High-level Language and Runtime System for Automating Statistical Analysis

2 code implementations10 Apr 2019 Eunice Jun, Maureen Daum, Jared Roesch, Sarah E. Chasins, Emery D. Berger, Rene Just, Katharina Reinecke

We show that Tea generally matches the choices of experts while automatically switching to non-parametric tests when parametric assumptions are not met.

Programming Languages Human-Computer Interaction Mathematical Software Software Engineering

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