Search Results for author: Renfang Wang

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Low-Dose CT Reconstruction Using Dataset-free Learning

1 code implementation17 Feb 2024 Feng Wang, Renfang Wang, Hong Qiu

Although supervised-deep-learning-based reconstruction methods have demonstrated superior performance compared to conventional model-driven reconstruction algorithms, they require collecting massive pairs of low-dose and norm-dose CT images for neural network training, which limits their practical application in LDCT imaging.

CT Reconstruction

Seismic Traveltime Tomography with Label-free Learning

1 code implementation1 Feb 2024 Feng Wang, Bo Yang, Renfang Wang, Hong Qiu

To avoid generating and/or collecting labeled samples, we propose a novel method by integrating deep learning and dictionary learning to enhance the VMs with low resolution by using the traditional tomography-least square method (LSQR).

Dictionary Learning

A Latent Fingerprint in the Wild Database

no code implementations3 Apr 2023 Xinwei Liu, Kiran Raja, Renfang Wang, Hong Qiu, Hucheng Wu, Dechao Sun, Qiguang Zheng, Nian Liu, Xiaoxia Wang, Gehang Huang, Raghavendra Ramachandra, Christoph Busch

Further, existing databases for latent fingerprint recognition do not have a large number of unique subjects/fingerprint instances or do not provide ground truth/reference fingerprint images to conduct a cross-comparison against the latent.


Adaptive Divergence-based Non-negative Latent Factor Analysis

no code implementations30 Mar 2022 Ye Yuan, Guangxiao Yuan, Renfang Wang, Xin Luo

High-Dimensional and Incomplete (HDI) data are frequently found in various industrial applications with complex interactions among numerous nodes, which are commonly non-negative for representing the inherent non-negativity of node interactions.

Computational Efficiency

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