Search Results for author: Renyu Yang

Found 11 papers, 10 papers with code

BotDGT: Dynamicity-aware Social Bot Detection with Dynamic Graph Transformers

1 code implementation23 Apr 2024 Buyun He, Yingguang Yang, Qi Wu, Hao liu, Renyu Yang, Hao Peng, Xiang Wang, Yong Liao, Pengyuan Zhou

To tackle these challenges, we propose BotDGT, a novel framework that not only considers the topological structure, but also effectively incorporates dynamic nature of social network.


Unleashing the Potential of Acquisition Functions in High-Dimensional Bayesian Optimization

1 code implementation16 Feb 2023 Jiayu Zhao, Renyu Yang, Shenghao Qiu, Zheng Wang

Bayesian optimization (BO) is widely used to optimize expensive-to-evaluate black-box functions. BO first builds a surrogate model to represent the objective function and assesses its uncertainty.

Bayesian Optimization

Reinforced Neighborhood Selection Guided Multi-Relational Graph Neural Networks

1 code implementation16 Apr 2021 Hao Peng, Ruitong Zhang, Yingtong Dou, Renyu Yang, Jingyi Zhang, Philip S. Yu

To avoid the embedding over-assimilation among different types of nodes, we employ a label-aware neural similarity measure to ascertain the most similar neighbors based on node attributes.

Fraud Detection Graph Neural Network +4

Streaming Social Event Detection and Evolution Discovery in Heterogeneous Information Networks

1 code implementation2 Apr 2021 Hao Peng, JianXin Li, Yangqiu Song, Renyu Yang, Rajiv Ranjan, Philip S. Yu, Lifang He

Third, we propose a streaming social event detection and evolution discovery framework for HINs based on meta-path similarity search, historical information about meta-paths, and heterogeneous DBSCAN clustering method.

Clustering Event Detection

Lifelong Property Price Prediction: A Case Study for the Toronto Real Estate Market

1 code implementation12 Aug 2020 Hao Peng, Jian-Xin Li, Zheng Wang, Renyu Yang, Mingzhe Liu, Mingming Zhang, Philip S. Yu, Lifang He

As a departure from prior work, Luce organizes the house data in a heterogeneous information network (HIN) where graph nodes are house entities and attributes that are important for house price valuation.

Orchestrating the Development Lifecycle of Machine Learning-Based IoT Applications: A Taxonomy and Survey

no code implementations11 Oct 2019 Bin Qian, Jie Su, Zhenyu Wen, Devki Nandan Jha, Yinhao Li, Yu Guan, Deepak Puthal, Philip James, Renyu Yang, Albert Y. Zomaya, Omer Rana, Lizhe Wang, Maciej Koutny, Rajiv Ranjan

Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) are complementary advances: ML techniques unlock complete potentials of IoT with intelligence, and IoT applications increasingly feed data collected by sensors into ML models, thereby employing results to improve their business processes and services.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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