Search Results for author: Renzhi Yuan

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Single-Collision Model for Non-Line-of-Sight UV Communication Channel With Obstacle

no code implementations8 Nov 2024 Tianfeng Wu, Fang Yang, Renzhi Yuan, Tian Cao, Ling Cheng, Jian Song, Julian Cheng, Zhu Han

Existing research on non-line-of-sight (NLoS) ultraviolet (UV) channel modeling mainly focuses on scenarios where the signal propagation process is not affected by any obstacle and the radiation intensity (RI) of the light source is uniformly distributed.

Monte-Carlo Integration Based Multiple-Scattering Channel Modeling for Ultraviolet Communications in Turbulent Atmosphere

no code implementations6 Jun 2024 Renzhi Yuan, Xinyi Chu, Tao Shan, Mugen Peng

Existing works on the turbulent channel modeling for NLOS UV communications either ignored the turbulence-induced scattering effect or erroneously estimated the turbulent fluctuation effect, resulting in a contradiction with reported experiments.

Quantum Discrimination of Two Noisy Displaced Number States

no code implementations9 Dec 2020 Renzhi Yuan, Julian Cheng

The quantum discrimination of two non-coherent states draws much attention recently.

Quantum Physics Signal Processing

Free-Space Optical Communication Using Non-mode-Selective Photonic Lantern Based Coherent Receiver

no code implementations3 Jul 2020 Bo Zhang, Renzhi Yuan, Jianfeng Sun, Julian Cheng, Mohamed-Slim Alouini

A free-space optical communication system using non-mode-selective photonic lantern (PL) based coherent receiver is studied.

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