Search Results for author: Reza M. Parizi

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Uncovering Promises and Challenges of Federated Learning to Detect Cardiovascular Diseases: A Scoping Literature Review

no code implementations26 Aug 2023 Sricharan Donkada, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Reza M. Parizi, Meng Han, Nasrin Dehbozorgi, Nazmus Sakib, Quan Z. Sheng

Overall, this survey paper aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the current state-of-the-art in FL for CVD detection and to highlight its potential for improving the accuracy and privacy of CVD detection models.

Federated Learning

Federated-Learning-Based Anomaly Detection for IoT Security Attacks

no code implementations IEEE Internet of Things Journal 2022 Viraaji Mothukuri, Reza M. Parizi, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Ali Dehghantanha, Gautam Srivastava

This is to say that classic ML works on the legacy set of entire data located on a central server, which makes it the least preferred option for domains with privacy concerns on user data.

Anomaly Detection Federated Learning

Fairness in Federated Learning for Spatial-Temporal Applications

no code implementations17 Jan 2022 Afra Mashhadi, Alex Kyllo, Reza M. Parizi

Federated learning involves training statistical models over remote devices such as mobile phones while keeping data localized.

Fairness Federated Learning +1

Communication Efficiency in Federated Learning: Achievements and Challenges

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Osama Shahid, Seyedamin Pouriyeh, Reza M. Parizi, Quan Z. Sheng, Gautam Srivastava, Liang Zhao

Over the years, this has become an emerging technology especially with various data protection and privacy policies being imposed FL allows performing machine learning tasks whilst adhering to these challenges.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Federated Learning

A Survey of Machine Learning Techniques in Adversarial Image Forensics

1 code implementation19 Oct 2020 Ehsan Nowroozi, Ali Dehghantanha, Reza M. Parizi, Kim-Kwang Raymond Choo

Image forensic plays a crucial role in both criminal investigations (e. g., dissemination of fake images to spread racial hate or false narratives about specific ethnicity groups) and civil litigation (e. g., defamation).

BIG-bench Machine Learning Image Forensics

A Federated Approach for Fine-Grained Classification of Fashion Apparel

no code implementations27 Aug 2020 Tejaswini Mallavarapu, Luke Cranfill, Junggab Son, Eun Hye Kim, Reza M. Parizi, John Morris

As online retail services proliferate and are pervasive in modern lives, applications for classifying fashion apparel features from image data are becoming more indispensable.

Classification General Classification +1

An Ensemble Deep Learning-based Cyber-Attack Detection in Industrial Control System

no code implementations2 May 2020 Abdulrahman Al-Abassi, Hadis Karimipour, Ali Dehghantanha, Reza M. Parizi

The integration of communication networks and the Internet of Things (IoT) in Industrial Control Systems (ICSs) increases their vulnerability towards cyber-attacks, causing devastating outcomes.

Cyber Attack Detection Intrusion Detection +1

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