Search Results for author: Richard Allmendinger

Found 24 papers, 6 papers with code

Dynamic Detection of Relevant Objectives and Adaptation to Preference Drifts in Interactive Evolutionary Multi-Objective Optimization

no code implementations7 Nov 2024 Seyed Mahdi Shavarani, Mahmoud Golabi, Richard Allmendinger, Lhassane Idoumghar

However, much of the existing literature fails to account for the dynamic nature of DM preferences, which can evolve throughout the decision-making process and affect the relevance of objectives.

Decision Making

Spatial-aware decision-making with ring attractors in reinforcement learning systems

no code implementations4 Oct 2024 Marcos Negre Saura, Richard Allmendinger, Theodore Papamarkou, Wei Pan

The application of ring attractors in the RL action selection process involves mapping actions to specific locations on the ring and decoding the selected action based on neural activity.

Decision Making Reinforcement Learning (RL)

HR-Extreme: A High-Resolution Dataset for Extreme Weather Forecasting

1 code implementation27 Sep 2024 Nian Ran, Peng Xiao, Yue Wang, Wesley Shi, Jianxin Lin, Qi Meng, Richard Allmendinger

The application of large deep learning models in weather forecasting has led to significant advancements in the field, including higher-resolution forecasting and extended prediction periods exemplified by models such as Pangu and Fuxi.

Deep Learning Weather Forecasting

An adaptive approach to Bayesian Optimization with switching costs

no code implementations14 May 2024 Stefan Pricopie, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel Lopez-Ibanez, Clyde Fare, Matt Benatan, Joshua Knowles

We investigate modifications to Bayesian Optimization for a resource-constrained setting of sequential experimental design where changes to certain design variables of the search space incur a switching cost.

Bayesian Optimization Experimental Design

Multi-objective evolutionary GAN for tabular data synthesis

1 code implementation15 Apr 2024 Nian Ran, Bahrul Ilmi Nasution, Claire Little, Richard Allmendinger, Mark Elliot

However, there are unique challenges in tabular data compared to images, eg tabular data may contain both continuous and discrete variables and conditional sampling, and, critically, the data should possess high utility and low disclosure risk (the risk of re-identifying a population unit or learning something new about them), providing an opportunity for multi-objective (MO) optimization.

Image Generation

Model-agnostic variable importance for predictive uncertainty: an entropy-based approach

no code implementations19 Oct 2023 Danny Wood, Theodore Papamarkou, Matt Benatan, Richard Allmendinger

In particular, by adapting permutation feature importance, partial dependence plots, and individual conditional expectation plots, we demonstrate that novel insights into model behaviour may be obtained and that these methods can be used to measure the impact of features on both the entropy of the predictive distribution and the log-likelihood of the ground truth labels under that distribution.

Feature Importance

Analysis of modular CMA-ES on strict box-constrained problems in the SBOX-COST benchmarking suite

no code implementations24 May 2023 Diederick Vermetten, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Olaf Mersmann, Richard Allmendinger, Anna V. Kononova

Specifically, we want to understand the performance difference between BBOB and SBOX-COST as a function of two initialization methods and six constraint-handling strategies all tested with modular CMA-ES.


Applying Ising Machines to Multi-objective QUBOs

no code implementations19 May 2023 Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Arnaud Liefooghe, Matthieu Parizy

In this work, we extend the adaptive method based on averages in two ways: (i)~we extend the adaptive method of deriving scalarisation weights for problems with two or more objectives, and (ii)~we use an alternative measure of distance to improve performance.

A Study of Scalarisation Techniques for Multi-Objective QUBO Solving

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Matthieu Parizy

These solvers are then applied to QUBO formulations of combinatorial optimisation problems.

Comparing the Utility and Disclosure Risk of Synthetic Data with Samples of Microdata

1 code implementation2 Jul 2022 Claire Little, Mark Elliot, Richard Allmendinger

The paper presents a framework to measure the utility and disclosure risk of synthetic data by comparing it to samples of the original data of varying sample fractions, thereby identifying the sample fraction which has equivalent utility and risk to the synthetic data.

Cooperative Multi-Agent Search on Endogenously-Changing Fitness Landscapes

no code implementations28 Jun 2022 Chin Woei Lim, Richard Allmendinger, Joshua Knowles, Ayesha Alhosani, Mercedes Bleda

We use a multi-agent system to model how agents (representing firms) may collaborate and adapt in a business 'landscape' where some, more influential, firms are given the power to shape the landscape of other firms.

Efficient Approximation of Expected Hypervolume Improvement using Gauss-Hermite Quadrature

1 code implementation15 Jun 2022 Alma Rahat, Tinkle Chugh, Jonathan Fieldsend, Richard Allmendinger, Kaisa Miettinen

Using the predictive densities, we can compute the expected hypervolume improvement (EHVI) due to a solution.

Multi-objective QUBO Solver: Bi-objective Quadratic Assignment

no code implementations26 May 2022 Mayowa Ayodele, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez, Matthieu Parizy

We present the first attempt to extend the algorithm supporting a commercial QUBO solver as a multi-objective solver that is not based on scalarisation.

Are Evolutionary Algorithms Safe Optimizers?

no code implementations24 Mar 2022 Youngmin Kim, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez

We consider a type of constrained optimization problem, where the violation of a constraint leads to an irrevocable loss, such as breakage of a valuable experimental resource/platform or loss of human life.

Evolutionary Algorithms

SonOpt: Sonifying Bi-objective Population-Based Optimization Algorithms

1 code implementation24 Feb 2022 Tasos Asonitis, Richard Allmendinger, Matt Benatan, Ricardo Climent

The benefits of data sonification have been shown for various non-optimization related monitoring tasks.


Towards a fairer reimbursement system for burn patients using cost-sensitive classification

no code implementations1 Jul 2021 Chimdimma Noelyn Onah, Richard Allmendinger, Julia Handl, Ken W. Dunn

To improve homogeneity in resource usage and severity, we propose a data-driven model and the inclusion of patient-level costing.

What if we Increase the Number of Objectives? Theoretical and Empirical Implications for Many-objective Optimization

no code implementations6 Jun 2021 Richard Allmendinger, Andrzej Jaszkiewicz, Arnaud Liefooghe, Christiane Tammer

The presence of many objectives typically introduces a number of challenges that affect the choice/design of optimization algorithms.

Managing Manufacturing and Delivery of Personalised Medicine: Current and Future Models

no code implementations21 May 2021 Andreea Avramescu, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez

To accelerate technology adoption in this domain, we characterize pertinent practical challenges in a PM supply chain and then capture them in a holistic mathematical model ready for optimisation.

Heterogeneous Objectives: State-of-the-Art and Future Research

no code implementations26 Feb 2021 Richard Allmendinger, Joshua Knowles

Multiobjective optimization problems with heterogeneous objectives are defined as those that possess significantly different types of objective function components (not just incommensurable in units or scale).

Multiobjective Optimization

HAWKS: Evolving Challenging Benchmark Sets for Cluster Analysis

2 code implementations13 Feb 2021 Cameron Shand, Richard Allmendinger, Julia Handl, Andrew Webb, John Keane

Here, we argue that synthetic datasets must continue to play an important role in the evaluation of clustering algorithms, but that this necessitates constructing benchmarks that appropriately cover the diverse set of properties that impact clustering algorithm performance.

Benchmarking Clustering +1

Safe Learning and Optimization Techniques: Towards a Survey of the State of the Art

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Youngmin Kim, Richard Allmendinger, Manuel López-Ibáñez

Safe learning and optimization deals with learning and optimization problems that avoid, as much as possible, the evaluation of non-safe input points, which are solutions, policies, or strategies that cause an irrecoverable loss (e. g., breakage of a machine or equipment, or life threat).

Active Learning Evolutionary Algorithms +4

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