Search Results for author: Richard Dobson

Found 16 papers, 4 papers with code

How Deep is your Guess? A Fresh Perspective on Deep Learning for Medical Time-Series Imputation

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Linglong Qian, Tao Wang, Jun Wang, Hugh Logan Ellis, Robin Mitra, Richard Dobson, Zina Ibrahim

By identifying conceptual gaps in the literature and existing reviews, we devise a taxonomy grounded on the inductive bias of neural imputation frameworks, resulting in a classification of existing deep imputation strategies based on their suitability for specific imputation scenarios and data-specific properties.

Classification Imputation +2

Uncertainty-Aware Deep Attention Recurrent Neural Network for Heterogeneous Time Series Imputation

no code implementations4 Jan 2024 Linglong Qian, Zina Ibrahim, Richard Dobson

We propose DEep Attention Recurrent Imputation (DEARI), which jointly estimates missing values and their associated uncertainty in heterogeneous multivariate time series.

Deep Attention Imputation +3

Validating transformers for redaction of text from electronic health records in real-world healthcare

1 code implementation5 Oct 2023 Zeljko Kraljevic, Anthony Shek, Joshua Au Yeung, Ewart Jonathan Sheldon, Mohammad Al-Agil, Haris Shuaib, Xi Bai, Kawsar Noor, Anoop D. Shah, Richard Dobson, James Teo

Protecting patient privacy in healthcare records is a top priority, and redaction is a commonly used method for obscuring directly identifiable information in text.

Discharge Summary Hospital Course Summarisation of In Patient Electronic Health Record Text with Clinical Concept Guided Deep Pre-Trained Transformer Models

1 code implementation14 Nov 2022 Thomas Searle, Zina Ibrahim, James Teo, Richard Dobson

Brief Hospital Course (BHC) summaries are succinct summaries of an entire hospital encounter, embedded within discharge summaries, written by senior clinicians responsible for the overall care of a patient.

MedGPT: Medical Concept Prediction from Clinical Narratives

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Zeljko Kraljevic, Anthony Shek, Daniel Bean, Rebecca Bendayan, James Teo, Richard Dobson

The data available in Electronic Health Records (EHRs) provides the opportunity to transform care, and the best way to provide better care for one patient is through learning from the data available on all other patients.

Multiple-choice named-entity-recognition +3

Comparing Natural Language Processing Techniques for Alzheimer's Dementia Prediction in Spontaneous Speech

no code implementations12 Jun 2020 Thomas Searle, Zina Ibrahim, Richard Dobson

We exclusively analyse the supplied textual transcripts of the spontaneous speech dataset, building and comparing performance across numerous models for the classification of AD vs controls and the prediction of Mental Mini State Exam scores.

Classification General Classification

Comparative Analysis of Text Classification Approaches in Electronic Health Records

no code implementations WS 2020 Aurelie Mascio, Zeljko Kraljevic, Daniel Bean, Richard Dobson, Robert Stewart, Rebecca Bendayan, Angus Roberts

Text classification tasks which aim at harvesting and/or organizing information from electronic health records are pivotal to support clinical and translational research.

General Classification text-classification +1

Identifying physical health comorbidities in a cohort of individuals with severe mental illness: An application of SemEHR

no code implementations7 Feb 2020 Rebecca Bendayan, Honghan Wu, Zeljko Kraljevic, Robert Stewart, Tom Searle, Jaya Chaturvedi, Jayati Das-Munshi, Zina Ibrahim, Aurelie Mascio, Angus Roberts, Daniel Bean, Richard Dobson

Multimorbidity research in mental health services requires data from physical health conditions which is traditionally limited in mental health care electronic health records.

The side effect profile of Clozapine in real world data of three large mental hospitals

no code implementations27 Jan 2020 Ehtesham Iqbal, Risha Govind, Alvin Romero, Olubanke Dzahini, Matthew Broadbent, Robert Stewart, Tanya Smith, Chi-Hun Kim, Nomi Werbeloff, Richard Dobson, Zina Ibrahim

Further, the data was combined from three trusts, and chi-square tests were applied to estimate the average effect of ADRs in each monthly interval.


On Classifying Sepsis Heterogeneity in the ICU: Insight Using Machine Learning

1 code implementation2 Dec 2019 Zina Ibrahim, Honghan Wu, Ahmed Hamoud, Lukas Stappen, Richard Dobson, Andrea Agarossi

Current machine learning models aiming to predict sepsis from Electronic Health Records (EHR) do not account for the heterogeneity of the condition, despite its emerging importance in prognosis and treatment.

BIG-bench Machine Learning General Classification

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