Search Results for author: Richard G. Freedman

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

AI-HRI Brings New Dimensions to Human-Aware Design for Human-Aware AI

no code implementations21 Oct 2022 Richard G. Freedman

Since the first AI-HRI held at the 2014 AAAI Fall Symposium Series, a lot of the presented research and discussions have emphasized how artificial intelligence (AI) developments can benefit human-robot interaction (HRI).

A Symbolic Representation of Human Posture for Interpretable Learning and Reasoning

no code implementations17 Oct 2022 Richard G. Freedman, Joseph B. Mueller, Jack Ladwig, Steven Johnston, David McDonald, Helen Wauck, Ruta Wheelock, Hayley Borck

Robots that interact with humans in a physical space or application need to think about the person's posture, which typically comes from visual sensors like cameras and infra-red.

Activity Recognition

Provenance-Based Assessment of Plans in Context

no code implementations3 Nov 2020 Scott E. Friedman, Robert P. Goldman, Richard G. Freedman, Ugur Kuter, Christopher Geib, Jeffrey Rye

Many real-world planning domains involve diverse information sources, external entities, and variable-reliability agents, all of which may impact the confidence, risk, and sensitivity of plans.


Helpfulness as a Key Metric of Human-Robot Collaboration

no code implementations10 Oct 2020 Richard G. Freedman, Steven J. Levine, Brian C. Williams, Shlomo Zilberstein

As robotic teammates become more common in society, people will assess the robots' roles in their interactions along many dimensions.

Decision Making

Responsive Planning and Recognition for Closed-Loop Interaction

no code implementations13 Sep 2019 Richard G. Freedman, Yi Ren Fung, Roman Ganchin, Shlomo Zilberstein

Many intelligent systems currently interact with others using at least one of fixed communication inputs or preset responses, resulting in rigid interaction experiences and extensive efforts developing a variety of scenarios for the system.

Blue Sky Ideas in Artificial Intelligence Education from the EAAI 2017 New and Future AI Educator Program

no code implementations1 Feb 2017 Eric Eaton, Sven Koenig, Claudia Schulz, Francesco Maurelli, John Lee, Joshua Eckroth, Mark Crowley, Richard G. Freedman, Rogelio E. Cardona-Rivera, Tiago Machado, Tom Williams

The 7th Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence (EAAI'17, co-chaired by Sven Koenig and Eric Eaton) launched the EAAI New and Future AI Educator Program to support the training of early-career university faculty, secondary school faculty, and future educators (PhD candidates or postdocs who intend a career in academia).


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