Search Results for author: Richard John

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

A survey of probabilistic generative frameworks for molecular simulations

1 code implementation14 Nov 2024 Richard John, Lukas Herron, Pratyush Tiwary

In a nutshell, (i) Neural Spline Flows do best at capturing mode asymmetry present in low-dimensional data, (ii) Conditional Flow Matching outperforms other models for high-dimensional data with low complexity, and (iii) Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models appears the best for low-dimensional data with high complexity.

Benchmarking Denoising +2

Generative artificial intelligence for computational chemistry: a roadmap to predicting emergent phenomena

no code implementations4 Sep 2024 Pratyush Tiwary, Lukas Herron, Richard John, Suemin Lee, Disha Sanwal, Ruiyu Wang

We believe that the ultimate goal of a simulation method or theory is to predict phenomena not seen before, and that Generative AI should be subject to these same standards before it is deemed useful for chemistry.

Computational chemistry

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