Search Results for author: Richard Klein

Found 17 papers, 5 papers with code

On The Specialization of Neural Modules

1 code implementation23 Sep 2024 Devon Jarvis, Richard Klein, Benjamin Rosman, Andrew M. Saxe

Our results shed light on the difficulty of module specialization, what is required for modules to successfully specialize, and the necessity of modular architectures to achieve systematicity.

Systematic Generalization

A Large-scale Evaluation of Pretraining Paradigms for the Detection of Defects in Electroluminescence Solar Cell Images

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 David Torpey, Lawrence Pratt, Richard Klein

Additionally, we provide a large-scale unlabelled EL image dataset of $22000$ images, and a $642$-image labelled semantic segmentation EL dataset, for further research in developing self- and semi-supervised training techniques in this domain.

Benchmarking Defect Detection +2

DeepSet SimCLR: Self-supervised deep sets for improved pathology representation learning

no code implementations23 Feb 2024 David Torpey, Richard Klein

Often, applications of self-supervised learning to 3D medical data opt to use 3D variants of successful 2D network architectures.

Representation Learning Self-Supervised Learning

Affine transformation estimation improves visual self-supervised learning

no code implementations14 Feb 2024 David Torpey, Richard Klein

The standard approach to modern self-supervised learning is to generate random views through data augmentations and minimise a loss computed from the representations of these views.

Data Augmentation Self-Supervised Learning

Dynamics Generalisation in Reinforcement Learning via Adaptive Context-Aware Policies

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2023 Michael Beukman, Devon Jarvis, Richard Klein, Steven James, Benjamin Rosman

To this end, we introduce a neural network architecture, the Decision Adapter, which generates the weights of an adapter module and conditions the behaviour of an agent on the context information.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning

On the robustness of self-supervised representations for multi-view object classification

no code implementations27 Jul 2022 David Torpey, Richard Klein

It is known that representations from self-supervised pre-training can perform on par, and often better, on various downstream tasks than representations from fully-supervised pre-training.

Image Retrieval Object +2

Overlooked Implications of the Reconstruction Loss for VAE Disentanglement

1 code implementation27 Feb 2022 Nathan Michlo, Richard Klein, Steven James

Our findings demonstrate the subjective nature of disentanglement and the importance of considering the interaction between the ground-truth factors, data and notably, the reconstruction loss, which is under-recognised in the literature.


Improving Pose Estimation through Contextual Activity Fusion

no code implementations3 Nov 2021 David Poulton, Richard Klein

This research presents the idea of activity fusion into existing Pose Estimation architectures to enhance their predictive ability.

Pose Estimation

Generative Adversarial Networks for Non-Raytraced Global Illumination on Older GPU Hardware

1 code implementation22 Oct 2021 Jared Harris-Dewey, Richard Klein

We give an overview of the different rendering methods and we demonstrate that the use of a Generative Adversarial Networks (GAN) for Global Illumination (GI) gives a superior quality rendered image to that of a rasterisations image.

Automated Parking Space Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations14 Jun 2021 Julien Nyambal, Richard Klein

Those bounding box coordinates are saved from a frame of the video of the parking lot in a JSON format, to be later used by the system for sequential prediction on each parking spot.

Confident in the Crowd: Bayesian Inference to Improve Data Labelling in Crowdsourcing

no code implementations28 May 2021 Pierce Burke, Richard Klein

The naive approach to assigning labels is to adopt a majority vote method, however, in the context of data labelling, this is not always ideal as data labellers are not equally reliable.

Bayesian Inference Binary Classification

The Wits Intelligent Teaching System: Detecting Student Engagement During Lectures Using Convolutional Neural Networks

no code implementations28 May 2021 Richard Klein, Turgay Celik

To perform contingent teaching and be responsive to students' needs during class, lecturers must be able to quickly assess the state of their audience.

Explicit homography estimation improves contrastive self-supervised learning

no code implementations12 Jan 2021 David Torpey, Richard Klein

We show how the inclusion of this module to regress the parameters of an affine transformation or homography, in addition to the original contrastive objective, improves both performance and learning speed.

Contrastive Learning Homography Estimation +1

Quantisation and Pruning for Neural Network Compression and Regularisation

1 code implementation14 Jan 2020 Kimessha Paupamah, Steven James, Richard Klein

Deep neural networks are typically too computationally expensive to run in real-time on consumer-grade hardware and low-powered devices.

Network Pruning Neural Network Compression

Using Objective Bayesian Methods to Determine the Optimal Degree of Curvature within the Loss Landscape

no code implementations25 Sep 2019 Devon Jarvis, Richard Klein, Benjamin Rosman

The efficacy of the width of the basin of attraction surrounding a minimum in parameter space as an indicator for the generalizability of a model parametrization is a point of contention surrounding the training of artificial neural networks, with the dominant view being that wider areas in the landscape reflect better generalizability by the trained model.

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