Search Results for author: Richard L. J. Qiu

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

Deep Learning Based Apparent Diffusion Coefficient Map Generation from Multi-parametric MR Images for Patients with Diffuse Gliomas

no code implementations2 Jul 2024 Zach Eidex, Mojtaba Safari, Jacob Wynne, Richard L. J. Qiu, Tonghe Wang, David Viar Hernandez, Hui-Kuo Shu, Hui Mao, Xiaofeng Yang

Using the preprocessed ADC maps as ground truth, model performance was evaluated and compared against the Vision Convolutional Transformer (VCT) and residual vision transformer (ResViT) models.


Self-Supervised Adversarial Diffusion Models for Fast MRI Reconstruction

no code implementations21 Jun 2024 Mojtaba Safari, Zach Eidex, Shaoyan Pan, Richard L. J. Qiu, Xiaofeng Yang

It achieved the lowest NMSE at R in {4x, 8x}, and the highest PSNR and SSIM values at all acceleration rates for the multi-coil dataset.

MRI Reconstruction SSIM

Synthetic CT Generation from MRI using 3D Transformer-based Denoising Diffusion Model

1 code implementation31 May 2023 Shaoyan Pan, Elham Abouei, Jacob Wynne, Tonghe Wang, Richard L. J. Qiu, Yuheng Li, Chih-Wei Chang, Junbo Peng, Justin Roper, Pretesh Patel, David S. Yu, Hui Mao, Xiaofeng Yang

The proposed model consists of two processes: a forward process which adds Gaussian noise to real CT scans, and a reverse process in which a shifted-window transformer V-net (Swin-Vnet) denoises the noisy CT scans conditioned on the MRI from the same patient to produce noise-free CT scans.

Anatomy Denoising +3

Cross-Shaped Windows Transformer with Self-supervised Pretraining for Clinically Significant Prostate Cancer Detection in Bi-parametric MRI

no code implementations30 Apr 2023 Yuheng Li, Jacob Wynne, Jing Wang, Richard L. J. Qiu, Justin Roper, Shaoyan Pan, Ashesh B. Jani, Tian Liu, Pretesh R. Patel, Hui Mao, Xiaofeng Yang

We introduce a novel end-to-end Cross-Shaped windows (CSwin) transformer UNet model, CSwin UNet, to detect clinically significant prostate cancer (csPCa) in prostate bi-parametric MR imaging (bpMRI) and demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed self-supervised pre-training framework.

Self-Supervised Learning

Cycle-guided Denoising Diffusion Probability Model for 3D Cross-modality MRI Synthesis

no code implementations28 Apr 2023 Shaoyan Pan, Chih-Wei Chang, Junbo Peng, Jiahan Zhang, Richard L. J. Qiu, Tonghe Wang, Justin Roper, Tian Liu, Hui Mao, Xiaofeng Yang

The two DDPMs exchange random latent noise in the reverse processes, which helps to regularize both DDPMs and generate matching images in two modalities.

Denoising Image-to-Image Translation

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