Search Results for author: Richard Newcombe

Found 28 papers, 11 papers with code

EgoLM: Multi-Modal Language Model of Egocentric Motions

no code implementations26 Sep 2024 Fangzhou Hong, Vladimir Guzov, Hyo Jin Kim, Yuting Ye, Richard Newcombe, Ziwei Liu, Lingni Ma

Multi-modal sensor inputs are encoded and projected to the joint latent space of language models, and used to prompt motion generation or text generation for egomotion tracking or understanding, respectively.

Language Modeling Language Modelling +2

HMD$^2$: Environment-aware Motion Generation from Single Egocentric Head-Mounted Device

no code implementations20 Sep 2024 Vladimir Guzov, Yifeng Jiang, Fangzhou Hong, Gerard Pons-Moll, Richard Newcombe, C. Karen Liu, Yuting Ye, Lingni Ma

This paper investigates the online generation of realistic full-body human motion using a single head-mounted device with an outward-facing color camera and the ability to perform visual SLAM.

Motion Generation

Nymeria: A Massive Collection of Multimodal Egocentric Daily Motion in the Wild

no code implementations14 Jun 2024 Lingni Ma, Yuting Ye, Fangzhou Hong, Vladimir Guzov, Yifeng Jiang, Rowan Postyeni, Luis Pesqueira, Alexander Gamino, Vijay Baiyya, Hyo Jin Kim, Kevin Bailey, David Soriano Fosas, C. Karen Liu, Ziwei Liu, Jakob Engel, Renzo De Nardi, Richard Newcombe

To the best of our knowledge, Nymeria dataset is the world's largest collection of human motion in the wild; first of its kind to provide synchronized and localized multi-device multimodal egocentric data; and the world's largest motion-language dataset.

Action Recognition Gaze Estimation +1

Introducing HOT3D: An Egocentric Dataset for 3D Hand and Object Tracking

no code implementations13 Jun 2024 Prithviraj Banerjee, Sindi Shkodrani, Pierre Moulon, Shreyas Hampali, Fan Zhang, Jade Fountain, Edward Miller, Selen Basol, Richard Newcombe, Robert Wang, Jakob Julian Engel, Tomas Hodan

The dataset offers over 833 minutes (more than 3. 7M images) of multi-view RGB/monochrome image streams showing 19 subjects interacting with 33 diverse rigid objects, multi-modal signals such as eye gaze or scene point clouds, as well as comprehensive ground truth annotations including 3D poses of objects, hands, and cameras, and 3D models of hands and objects.

Object Tracking

Ego-Exo4D: Understanding Skilled Human Activity from First- and Third-Person Perspectives

2 code implementations CVPR 2024 Kristen Grauman, Andrew Westbury, Lorenzo Torresani, Kris Kitani, Jitendra Malik, Triantafyllos Afouras, Kumar Ashutosh, Vijay Baiyya, Siddhant Bansal, Bikram Boote, Eugene Byrne, Zach Chavis, Joya Chen, Feng Cheng, Fu-Jen Chu, Sean Crane, Avijit Dasgupta, Jing Dong, Maria Escobar, Cristhian Forigua, Abrham Gebreselasie, Sanjay Haresh, Jing Huang, Md Mohaiminul Islam, Suyog Jain, Rawal Khirodkar, Devansh Kukreja, Kevin J Liang, Jia-Wei Liu, Sagnik Majumder, Yongsen Mao, Miguel Martin, Effrosyni Mavroudi, Tushar Nagarajan, Francesco Ragusa, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Luigi Seminara, Arjun Somayazulu, Yale Song, Shan Su, Zihui Xue, Edward Zhang, Jinxu Zhang, Angela Castillo, Changan Chen, Xinzhu Fu, Ryosuke Furuta, Cristina Gonzalez, Prince Gupta, Jiabo Hu, Yifei HUANG, Yiming Huang, Weslie Khoo, Anush Kumar, Robert Kuo, Sach Lakhavani, Miao Liu, Mi Luo, Zhengyi Luo, Brighid Meredith, Austin Miller, Oluwatumininu Oguntola, Xiaqing Pan, Penny Peng, Shraman Pramanick, Merey Ramazanova, Fiona Ryan, Wei Shan, Kiran Somasundaram, Chenan Song, Audrey Southerland, Masatoshi Tateno, Huiyu Wang, Yuchen Wang, Takuma Yagi, Mingfei Yan, Xitong Yang, Zecheng Yu, Shengxin Cindy Zha, Chen Zhao, Ziwei Zhao, Zhifan Zhu, Jeff Zhuo, Pablo Arbelaez, Gedas Bertasius, David Crandall, Dima Damen, Jakob Engel, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Antonino Furnari, Bernard Ghanem, Judy Hoffman, C. V. Jawahar, Richard Newcombe, Hyun Soo Park, James M. Rehg, Yoichi Sato, Manolis Savva, Jianbo Shi, Mike Zheng Shou, Michael Wray

We present Ego-Exo4D, a diverse, large-scale multimodal multiview video dataset and benchmark challenge.

Video Understanding

EgoBlur: Responsible Innovation in Aria

no code implementations24 Aug 2023 Nikhil Raina, Guruprasad Somasundaram, Kang Zheng, Sagar Miglani, Steve Saarinen, Jeff Meissner, Mark Schwesinger, Luis Pesqueira, Ishita Prasad, Edward Miller, Prince Gupta, Mingfei Yan, Richard Newcombe, Carl Ren, Omkar M Parkhi

Project Aria pushes the frontiers of Egocentric AI with large-scale real-world data collection using purposely designed glasses with privacy first approach.

EgoHumans: An Egocentric 3D Multi-Human Benchmark

no code implementations25 May 2023 Rawal Khirodkar, Aayush Bansal, Lingni Ma, Richard Newcombe, Minh Vo, Kris Kitani

We present EgoHumans, a new multi-view multi-human video benchmark to advance the state-of-the-art of egocentric human 3D pose estimation and tracking.

3D Pose Estimation Human Detection +1

OrienterNet: Visual Localization in 2D Public Maps with Neural Matching

2 code implementations CVPR 2023 Paul-Edouard Sarlin, Daniel DeTone, Tsun-Yi Yang, Armen Avetisyan, Julian Straub, Tomasz Malisiewicz, Samuel Rota Bulo, Richard Newcombe, Peter Kontschieder, Vasileios Balntas

We bridge this gap by introducing OrienterNet, the first deep neural network that can localize an image with sub-meter accuracy using the same 2D semantic maps that humans use.

Visual Localization

Ego-Humans: An Ego-Centric 3D Multi-Human Benchmark

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Rawal Khirodkar, Aayush Bansal, Lingni Ma, Richard Newcombe, Minh Vo, Kris Kitani

We present EgoHumans, a new multi-view multi-human video benchmark to advance the state-of-the-art of egocentric human 3D pose estimation and tracking.

3D Pose Estimation Human Detection +1

Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Fangyin Wei, Rohan Chabra, Lingni Ma, Christoph Lassner, Michael Zollhöfer, Szymon Rusinkiewicz, Chris Sweeney, Richard Newcombe, Mira Slavcheva

In addition, our representation enables a large variety of applications, such as few-shot reconstruction, the generation of novel articulations, and novel view-synthesis.

Novel View Synthesis

ERF: Explicit Radiance Field Reconstruction From Scratch

no code implementations28 Feb 2022 Samir Aroudj, Steven Lovegrove, Eddy Ilg, Tanner Schmidt, Michael Goesele, Richard Newcombe

Robustly reconstructing such a volumetric scene model with millions of unknown variables from registered scene images only is a highly non-convex and complex optimization problem.

3D Reconstruction

Ego4D: Around the World in 3,000 Hours of Egocentric Video

8 code implementations CVPR 2022 Kristen Grauman, Andrew Westbury, Eugene Byrne, Zachary Chavis, Antonino Furnari, Rohit Girdhar, Jackson Hamburger, Hao Jiang, Miao Liu, Xingyu Liu, Miguel Martin, Tushar Nagarajan, Ilija Radosavovic, Santhosh Kumar Ramakrishnan, Fiona Ryan, Jayant Sharma, Michael Wray, Mengmeng Xu, Eric Zhongcong Xu, Chen Zhao, Siddhant Bansal, Dhruv Batra, Vincent Cartillier, Sean Crane, Tien Do, Morrie Doulaty, Akshay Erapalli, Christoph Feichtenhofer, Adriano Fragomeni, Qichen Fu, Abrham Gebreselasie, Cristina Gonzalez, James Hillis, Xuhua Huang, Yifei HUANG, Wenqi Jia, Weslie Khoo, Jachym Kolar, Satwik Kottur, Anurag Kumar, Federico Landini, Chao Li, Yanghao Li, Zhenqiang Li, Karttikeya Mangalam, Raghava Modhugu, Jonathan Munro, Tullie Murrell, Takumi Nishiyasu, Will Price, Paola Ruiz Puentes, Merey Ramazanova, Leda Sari, Kiran Somasundaram, Audrey Southerland, Yusuke Sugano, Ruijie Tao, Minh Vo, Yuchen Wang, Xindi Wu, Takuma Yagi, Ziwei Zhao, Yunyi Zhu, Pablo Arbelaez, David Crandall, Dima Damen, Giovanni Maria Farinella, Christian Fuegen, Bernard Ghanem, Vamsi Krishna Ithapu, C. V. Jawahar, Hanbyul Joo, Kris Kitani, Haizhou Li, Richard Newcombe, Aude Oliva, Hyun Soo Park, James M. Rehg, Yoichi Sato, Jianbo Shi, Mike Zheng Shou, Antonio Torralba, Lorenzo Torresani, Mingfei Yan, Jitendra Malik

We introduce Ego4D, a massive-scale egocentric video dataset and benchmark suite.

De-identification Ethics

ODAM: Object Detection, Association, and Mapping using Posed RGB Video

1 code implementation ICCV 2021 Kejie Li, Daniel DeTone, Steven Chen, Minh Vo, Ian Reid, Hamid Rezatofighi, Chris Sweeney, Julian Straub, Richard Newcombe

Localizing objects and estimating their extent in 3D is an important step towards high-level 3D scene understanding, which has many applications in Augmented Reality and Robotics.

3D Object Detection Graph Neural Network +3

Neural 3D Video Synthesis from Multi-view Video

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Tianye Li, Mira Slavcheva, Michael Zollhoefer, Simon Green, Christoph Lassner, Changil Kim, Tanner Schmidt, Steven Lovegrove, Michael Goesele, Richard Newcombe, Zhaoyang Lv

We propose a novel approach for 3D video synthesis that is able to represent multi-view video recordings of a dynamic real-world scene in a compact, yet expressive representation that enables high-quality view synthesis and motion interpolation.

Motion Interpolation

FroDO: From Detections to 3D Objects

no code implementations11 May 2020 Kejie Li, Martin Rünz, Meng Tang, Lingni Ma, Chen Kong, Tanner Schmidt, Ian Reid, Lourdes Agapito, Julian Straub, Steven Lovegrove, Richard Newcombe

We introduce FroDO, a method for accurate 3D reconstruction of object instances from RGB video that infers object location, pose and shape in a coarse-to-fine manner.

3D Reconstruction Object +2

StereoDRNet: Dilated Residual Stereo Net

no code implementations3 Apr 2019 Rohan Chabra, Julian Straub, Chris Sweeney, Richard Newcombe, Henry Fuchs

We propose a system that uses a convolution neural network (CNN) to estimate depth from a stereo pair followed by volumetric fusion of the predicted depth maps to produce a 3D reconstruction of a scene.

3D Reconstruction

DeepSDF: Learning Continuous Signed Distance Functions for Shape Representation

5 code implementations CVPR 2019 Jeong Joon Park, Peter Florence, Julian Straub, Richard Newcombe, Steven Lovegrove

In this work, we introduce DeepSDF, a learned continuous Signed Distance Function (SDF) representation of a class of shapes that enables high quality shape representation, interpolation and completion from partial and noisy 3D input data.

3D geometry 3D Reconstruction +1

Surface Light Field Fusion

no code implementations6 Sep 2018 Jeong Joon Park, Richard Newcombe, Steve Seitz

We present an approach for interactively scanning highly reflective objects with a commodity RGBD sensor.

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