Search Results for author: Richard R. Yang

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Pose Trainer: Correcting Exercise Posture using Pose Estimation

no code implementations21 Jun 2020 Steven Chen, Richard R. Yang

Fitness exercises are very beneficial to personal health and fitness; however, they can also be ineffective and potentially dangerous if performed incorrectly by the user.

Pose Estimation

ImagineNet: Restyling Apps Using Neural Style Transfer

no code implementations14 Jan 2020 Michael H. Fischer, Richard R. Yang, Monica S. Lam

This paper presents ImagineNet, a tool that uses a novel neural style transfer model to enable end-users and app developers to restyle GUIs using an image of their choice.

Style Transfer

AI Blue Book: Vehicle Price Prediction using Visual Features

1 code implementation29 Mar 2018 Richard R. Yang, Steven Chen, Edward Chou

In this work, we build a series of machine learning models to predict the price of a product given its image, and visualize the features that result in higher or lower price predictions.

General Classification Prediction +2

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