Search Results for author: Richard Voyles

Found 6 papers, 1 papers with code

DESK: A Robotic Activity Dataset for Dexterous Surgical Skills Transfer to Medical Robots

1 code implementation3 Mar 2019 Naveen Madapana, Md Masudur Rahman, Natalia Sanchez-Tamayo, Mythra V. Balakuntala, Glebys Gonzalez, Jyothsna Padmakumar Bindu, L. N. Vishnunandan Venkatesh, Xingguang Zhang, Juan Barragan Noguera, Thomas Low, Richard Voyles, Yexiang Xue, Juan Wachs

It comprises a set of surgical robotic skills collected during a surgical training task using three robotic platforms: the Taurus II robot, Taurus II simulated robot, and the YuMi robot.


What makes a gesture a gesture? Neural signatures involved in gesture recognition

no code implementations20 Jan 2017 Maria Cabrera, Keisha Novak, Daniel Foti, Richard Voyles, Juan Wachs

These results suggest that coordinated activity in visual and motor cortices is sensitive to motion trajectories during gesture observation, and it is consistent with the proposal that inflection points operate as placeholders in gesture recognition.

Human-Computer Interaction

Coherency in One-Shot Gesture Recognition

no code implementations20 Jan 2017 Maria Cabrera, Richard Voyles, Juan Wachs

The generated samples are then used as training sets for different state-of-the-art classifiers.

Human-Computer Interaction

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