Search Results for author: Rickard Ewetz

Found 11 papers, 2 papers with code

NSP: A Neuro-Symbolic Natural Language Navigational Planner

no code implementations10 Sep 2024 William English, Dominic Simon, Rickard Ewetz, Sumit Jha

The framework leverages the neural reasoning abilities of LLMs to i) craft symbolic representations of the environment and ii) a symbolic path planning algorithm.


Neuro Symbolic Reasoning for Planning: Counterexample Guided Inductive Synthesis using Large Language Models and Satisfiability Solving

no code implementations28 Sep 2023 Sumit Kumar Jha, Susmit Jha, Patrick Lincoln, Nathaniel D. Bastian, Alvaro Velasquez, Rickard Ewetz, Sandeep Neema

We posit that we can use the satisfiability modulo theory (SMT) solvers as deductive reasoning engines to analyze the generated solutions from the LLMs, produce counterexamples when the solutions are incorrect, and provide that feedback to the LLMs exploiting the dialog capability of instruct-trained LLMs.

Hallucination Question Answering +1

Neural Stochastic Differential Equations for Robust and Explainable Analysis of Electromagnetic Unintended Radiated Emissions

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Sumit Kumar Jha, Susmit Jha, Rickard Ewetz, Alvaro Velasquez

We provide an empirical demonstration of the fragility of ResNet-like models to Gaussian noise perturbations, where the model performance deteriorates sharply and its F1-score drops to near insignificance at 0. 008 with a Gaussian noise of only 0. 5 standard deviation.

Attribute Interpretable Machine Learning

Integrated Decision Gradients: Compute Your Attributions Where the Model Makes Its Decision

1 code implementation31 May 2023 Chase Walker, Sumit Jha, Kenny Chen, Rickard Ewetz

Attribution algorithms are frequently employed to explain the decisions of neural network models.

On the Robustness of AlphaFold: A COVID-19 Case Study

no code implementations10 Jan 2023 Ismail Alkhouri, Sumit Jha, Andre Beckus, George Atia, Alvaro Velasquez, Rickard Ewetz, Arvind Ramanathan, Susmit Jha

To measure the robustness of the predicted structures, we utilize (i) the root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) and (ii) the Global Distance Test (GDT) similarity measure between the predicted structure of the original sequence and the structure of its adversarially perturbed version.

Protein Folding

Classifying the Ideological Orientation of User-Submitted Texts in Social Media

1 code implementation IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications (ICMLA) 2022 Kamalakkannan Ravi, Adan Ernesto Vela, Rickard Ewetz

With the long-term goal of understanding how language is used and evolves within online communities, this work explores the application of natural language processing techniques to classify text articles according to their ideological orientation (i. e., conservative or liberal).

Classification News Classification

Protein Folding Neural Networks Are Not Robust

no code implementations9 Sep 2021 Sumit Kumar Jha, Arvind Ramanathan, Rickard Ewetz, Alvaro Velasquez, Susmit Jha

We define the robustness measure for the predicted structure of a protein sequence to be the inverse of the root-mean-square distance (RMSD) in the predicted structure and the structure of its adversarially perturbed sequence.

Adversarial Attack Protein Folding

Robust Ensembles of Neural Networks using Itô Processes

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Sumit Kumar Jha, Susmit Jha, Rickard Ewetz, Alvaro Velasquez

We exploit this connection and the theory of stochastic dynamical systems to construct a novel ensemble of Itô processes as a new deep learning representation that is more robust than classical residual networks.

An Extension of Fano's Inequality for Characterizing Model Susceptibility to Membership Inference Attacks

no code implementations17 Sep 2020 Sumit Kumar Jha, Susmit Jha, Rickard Ewetz, Sunny Raj, Alvaro Velasquez, Laura L. Pullum, Ananthram Swami

We present a new extension of Fano's inequality and employ it to theoretically establish that the probability of success for a membership inference attack on a deep neural network can be bounded using the mutual information between its inputs and its activations.

Inference Attack Membership Inference Attack

Representable Matrices: Enabling High Accuracy Analog Computation for Inference of DNNs using Memristors

no code implementations27 Nov 2019 Baogang Zhang, Necati Uysal, Deliang Fan, Rickard Ewetz

In this paper, a technique that aims to produce the correct output for every input vector is proposed, which involves specifying the memristor conductance values and a scaling factor realized by the peripheral circuitry.

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