Search Results for author: Rie Kamikubo

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

AccessShare: Co-designing Data Access and Sharing with Blind People

no code implementations27 Jul 2024 Rie Kamikubo, Farnaz Zamiri Zeraati, Kyungjun Lee, Hernisa Kacorri

Blind people are often called to contribute image data to datasets for AI innovation with the hope for future accessibility and inclusion.

"We are at the mercy of others' opinion": Supporting Blind People in Recreational Window Shopping with AI-infused Technology

no code implementations10 May 2024 Rie Kamikubo, Hernisa Kacorri, Chieko Asakawa

In this paper, we investigate the information needs, challenges, and current approaches blind people have to recreational window shopping to inform the design of existing wayfinding and navigation technology for supporting blind shoppers in exploration and serendipitous discovery.

Data Representativeness in Accessibility Datasets: A Meta-Analysis

no code implementations16 Jul 2022 Rie Kamikubo, Lining Wang, Crystal Marte, Amnah Mahmood, Hernisa Kacorri

We examine the current state of representation within datasets sourced by people with disabilities by reviewing publicly-available information of 190 datasets, we call these accessibility datasets.


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