Search Results for author: Rion Brattig Correia

Found 6 papers, 3 papers with code

Refinement of an Epilepsy Dictionary through Human Annotation of Health-related posts on Instagram

no code implementations14 May 2024 Aehong Min, Xuan Wang, Rion Brattig Correia, Jordan Rozum, Wendy R. Miller, Luis M. Rocha

Analysis of the estimated false-positive rates of the annotated terms revealed 8 ambiguous terms (plus synonyms) used in Instagram posts, which were removed from the original dictionary.


myAURA: Personalized health library for epilepsy management via knowledge graph sparsification and visualization

1 code implementation8 May 2024 Rion Brattig Correia, Jordan C. Rozum, Leonard Cross, Jack Felag, Michael Gallant, Ziqi Guo, Bruce W. Herr II, Aehong Min, Deborah Stungis Rocha, Xuan Wang, Katy Börner, Wendy Miller, Luis M. Rocha

Objective: We report the development of the patient-centered myAURA application and suite of methods designed to aid epilepsy patients, caregivers, and researchers in making decisions about care and self-management.


The distance backbone of complex networks

1 code implementation8 Mar 2021 Tiago Simas, Rion Brattig Correia, Luis M. Rocha

Redundancy needs more precise characterization as it is a major factor in the evolution and robustness of networks of multivariate interactions.

City-wide Analysis of Electronic Health Records Reveals Gender and Age Biases in the Administration of Known Drug-Drug Interactions

1 code implementation9 Mar 2018 Rion Brattig Correia, Luciana P. de Araújo, Mauro M. Mattos, Luis M. Rocha

The occurrence of drug-drug-interactions (DDI) from multiple drug dispensations is a serious problem, both for individuals and health-care systems, since patients with complications due to DDI are likely to reenter the system at a costlier level.


Monitoring Potential Drug Interactions and Reactions via Network Analysis of Instagram User Timelines

no code implementations5 Oct 2015 Rion Brattig Correia, Lang Li, Luis M. Rocha

This demonstrates that Instagram contains much drug- and pathology specific data for public health monitoring of DDI and ADR, and that complex network analysis provides an important toolbox to extract health-related associations and their support from large-scale social media data.

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