Search Results for author: Rob J. Hyndman

Found 11 papers, 6 papers with code

Extreme Value Modelling of Feature Residuals for Anomaly Detection in Dynamic Graphs

no code implementations8 Oct 2024 Sevvandi Kandanaarachchi, Conrad Sanderson, Rob J. Hyndman

Detecting anomalies in a temporal sequence of graphs can be applied is areas such as the detection of accidents in transport networks and cyber attacks in computer networks.

Anomaly Detection Time Series +1

Monash Time Series Forecasting Archive

1 code implementation14 May 2021 Rakshitha Godahewa, Christoph Bergmeir, Geoffrey I. Webb, Rob J. Hyndman, Pablo Montero-Manso

Many businesses and industries nowadays rely on large quantities of time series data making time series forecasting an important research area.

Missing Values Time Series +1

Principles and Algorithms for Forecasting Groups of Time Series: Locality and Globality

1 code implementation2 Aug 2020 Pablo Montero-Manso, Rob J. Hyndman

In particular, global linear models can provide competitive accuracy with two orders of magnitude fewer parameters than local methods.

Generalization Bounds Time Series +1

Distributed ARIMA Models for Ultra-long Time Series

1 code implementation19 Jul 2020 Xiaoqian Wang, Yanfei Kang, Rob J. Hyndman, Feng Li

Providing forecasts for ultra-long time series plays a vital role in various activities, such as investment decisions, industrial production arrangements, and farm management.

Applications Computation

Hierarchical forecast reconciliation with machine learning

no code implementations3 Jun 2020 Evangelos Spiliotis, Mahdi Abolghasemi, Rob J. Hyndman, Fotios Petropoulos, Vassilios Assimakopoulos

First, the proposed method allows for a non-linear combination of the base forecasts, thus being more general than the linear approaches.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decision Making

Machine learning applications in time series hierarchical forecasting

no code implementations1 Dec 2019 Mahdi Abolghasemi, Rob J. Hyndman, Garth Tarr, Christoph Bergmeir

We perform an in-depth analysis of 61 groups of time series with different volatilities and show that ML models are competitive and outperform some well-established models in the literature.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Time Series +1

Anomaly Detection in High Dimensional Data

1 code implementation12 Aug 2019 Priyanga Dilini Talagala, Rob J. Hyndman, Kate Smith-Miles

The HDoutliers algorithm is a powerful unsupervised algorithm for detecting anomalies in high-dimensional data, with a strong theoretical foundation.

Anomaly Detection Feature Engineering +1

GRATIS: GeneRAting TIme Series with diverse and controllable characteristics

5 code implementations7 Mar 2019 Yanfei Kang, Rob J. Hyndman, Feng Li

The explosion of time series data in recent years has brought a flourish of new time series analysis methods, for forecasting, clustering, classification and other tasks.

Benchmarking Clustering +5

Coherent probabilistic forecasts for hierarchical time series

no code implementations ICML 2017 Souhaib Ben Taieb, James W. Taylor, Rob J. Hyndman

Many applications require forecasts for a hierarchy comprising a set of time series along with aggregates of subsets of these series.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

Forecasting Time Series With Complex Seasonal Patterns Using Exponential Smoothing

1 code implementation24 Jan 2011 Alysha M De Livera, Rob J. Hyndman, Ralph D Snyder

An innovations state space modeling framework is introduced for forecasting complex seasonal time series such as those with multiple seasonal periods, high-frequency seasonality, non-integer seasonality, and dual-calendar effects.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

The tourism forecasting competition

no code implementations International Journal of Forecasting 2010 George Athanasopoulos, Rob J. Hyndman, Haiyan Song, Doris C.Wu

We find that pure time series approaches provide more accurate forecasts for tourism data than models with explanatory variables.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

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