no code implementations • ECCV 2020 • Robert Mendel, Luis Antonio de Souza Jr, David Rauber, João Paulo Papa, Christoph Palm
Apart from the supervised training on the labeled data, the segmentation network is judged by an additional network.
no code implementations • 5 Mar 2024 • Robert Mendel, Tobias Rueckert, Dirk Wilhelm, Daniel Rueckert, Christoph Palm
Using optical flow to estimate the movement between consecutive frames, we can shift the prior term in the moving-average calculation to align with the geometry of the current frame.
no code implementations • 18 Jan 2021 • Luis A. de Souza Jr., Luis C. S. Afonso, Alanna Ebigbo, Andreas Probst, Helmut Messmann, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm, João P. Papa
In this work, we introduce the unsupervised Optimum-Path Forest (OPF) classifier for learning visual dictionaries in the context of Barrett's esophagus (BE) and automatic adenocarcinoma diagnosis.
3 code implementations • 30 Jan 2020 • Max Allan, Satoshi Kondo, Sebastian Bodenstedt, Stefan Leger, Rahim Kadkhodamohammadi, Imanol Luengo, Felix Fuentes, Evangello Flouty, Ahmed Mohammed, Marius Pedersen, Avinash Kori, Varghese Alex, Ganapathy Krishnamurthi, David Rauber, Robert Mendel, Christoph Palm, Sophia Bano, Guinther Saibro, Chi-Sheng Shih, Hsun-An Chiang, Juntang Zhuang, Junlin Yang, Vladimir Iglovikov, Anton Dobrenkii, Madhu Reddiboina, Anubhav Reddy, Xingtong Liu, Cong Gao, Mathias Unberath, Myeonghyeon Kim, Chanho Kim, Chaewon Kim, Hye-Jin Kim, Gyeongmin Lee, Ihsan Ullah, Miguel Luna, Sang Hyun Park, Mahdi Azizian, Danail Stoyanov, Lena Maier-Hein, Stefanie Speidel
In 2015 we began a sub-challenge at the EndoVis workshop at MICCAI in Munich using endoscope images of ex-vivo tissue with automatically generated annotations from robot forward kinematics and instrument CAD models.