Search Results for author: Robert Moss

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

A hybrid framework for compartmental models enabling simulation-based inference

no code implementations21 May 2024 Domenic P. J. Germano, Alexander E. Zarebski, Sophie Hautphenne, Robert Moss, Jennifer A. Flegg, Mark B. Flegg

We also carry out a novel analysis of longitudinal within-host data from SARS-CoV-2 infections to quantify the timing of viral clearance.

A Comparison of Monte Carlo Tree Search and Mathematical Optimization for Large Scale Dynamic Resource Allocation

no code implementations21 May 2014 Dimitris Bertsimas, J. Daniel Griffith, Vishal Gupta, Mykel J. Kochenderfer, Velibor V. Mišić, Robert Moss

In this paper, we adapt both MCTS and MO to a problem inspired by tactical wildfire and management and undertake an extensive computational study comparing the two methods on large scale instances in terms of both the state and the action spaces.

Management Stochastic Optimization

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