Search Results for author: Roberts Rozis

Found 11 papers, 0 papers with code

Neural Translation for the European Union (NTEU) Project

no code implementations EAMT 2020 Laurent Bié, Aleix Cerdà-i-Cucó, Hans Degroote, Amando Estela, Mercedes García-Martínez, Manuel Herranz, Alejandro Kohan, Maite Melero, Tony O’Dowd, Sinéad O’Gorman, Mārcis Pinnis, Roberts Rozis, Riccardo Superbo, Artūrs Vasiļevskis

The Neural Translation for the European Union (NTEU) project aims to build a neural engine farm with all European official language combinations for eTranslation, without the necessity to use a high-resourced language as a pivot.


Assessing Multilinguality of Publicly Accessible Websites

no code implementations LREC 2022 Rinalds Vīksna, Inguna Skadiņa, Raivis Skadiņš, Andrejs Vasiļjevs, Roberts Rozis

We also introduce a prototype tool based on open-source software that helps to assess multilingualism of the Web and can be independently run at set intervals.

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