Search Results for author: Robin J. Evans

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Testing Generalizability in Causal Inference

no code implementations5 Nov 2024 Daniel de Vassimon Manela, Linying Yang, Robin J. Evans

By basing simulations on real data, our method ensures more realistic evaluations, which is often missing in current work relying on simplified datasets.

Causal Inference

Marginal Causal Flows for Validation and Inference

1 code implementation2 Nov 2024 Daniel de Vassimon Manela, Laura Battaglia, Robin J. Evans

Investigating the marginal causal effect of an intervention on an outcome from complex data remains challenging due to the inflexibility of employed models and the lack of complexity in causal benchmark datasets, which often fail to reproduce intricate real-world data patterns.

Normalising Flows

Results on Counterfactual Invariance

no code implementations17 Jul 2023 Jake Fawkes, Robin J. Evans

In this paper we provide a theoretical analysis of counterfactual invariance.


PWSHAP: A Path-Wise Explanation Model for Targeted Variables

1 code implementation26 Jun 2023 Lucile Ter-Minassian, Oscar Clivio, Karla Diaz-Ordaz, Robin J. Evans, Chris Holmes

We introduce Path-Wise Shapley effects (PWSHAP), a framework for assessing the targeted effect of a binary (e. g.~treatment) variable from a complex outcome model.

Decision Making Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI)

Doubly Robust Kernel Statistics for Testing Distributional Treatment Effects

1 code implementation9 Dec 2022 Jake Fawkes, Robert Hu, Robin J. Evans, Dino Sejdinovic

These improved estimators are inspired by doubly robust estimators of the causal mean, using a similar form within the kernel space.

Causal Inference counterfactual +1

Margins of discrete Bayesian networks

no code implementations9 Jan 2015 Robin J. Evans

Bayesian network models with latent variables are widely used in statistics and machine learning.

Sparse Nested Markov models with Log-linear Parameters

no code implementations26 Sep 2013 Ilya Shpitser, Robin J. Evans, Thomas S. Richardson, James M. Robins

To make modeling and inference with nested Markov models practical, it is necessary to limit the number of parameters in the model, while still correctly capturing the constraints in the marginal of a DAG model.

Causal Inference

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