Search Results for author: Robin Lorenz

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Towards Compositional Interpretability for XAI

no code implementations25 Jun 2024 Sean Tull, Robin Lorenz, Stephen Clark, Ilyas Khan, Bob Coecke

We present an approach to defining AI models and their interpretability based on category theory.

Causal models in string diagrams

no code implementations15 Apr 2023 Robin Lorenz, Sean Tull

This work aims to be accessible to different communities, from causal model practitioners to researchers in applied category theory, and discusses many examples from the literature for illustration.

Causal Inference

QNLP in Practice: Running Compositional Models of Meaning on a Quantum Computer

3 code implementations25 Feb 2021 Robin Lorenz, Anna Pearson, Konstantinos Meichanetzidis, Dimitri Kartsaklis, Bob Coecke

Our aim in doing this is to take the first small steps in this unexplored research territory and pave the way for practical Quantum Natural Language Processing.

Sentence Sentence Classification

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