Search Results for author: Robin Mitra

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

How Deep is your Guess? A Fresh Perspective on Deep Learning for Medical Time-Series Imputation

no code implementations11 Jul 2024 Linglong Qian, Tao Wang, Jun Wang, Hugh Logan Ellis, Robin Mitra, Richard Dobson, Zina Ibrahim

By identifying conceptual gaps in the literature and existing reviews, we devise a taxonomy grounded on the inductive bias of neural imputation frameworks, resulting in a classification of existing deep imputation strategies based on their suitability for specific imputation scenarios and data-specific properties.

Classification Imputation +2

A Complete Characterisation of Structured Missingness

no code implementations5 Jul 2023 James Jackson, Robin Mitra, Niels Hagenbuch, Sarah McGough, Chris Harbron

We embed this new framework within the well-established decomposition of mechanisms into MCAR, MAR, and MNAR (Rubin, 1976), allowing us to recast mechanisms into a broader setting, where we can consider the combined effect of $\mathbf{X}$ and $\mathbf{M}_{-j}$ on ${M}_j$.

Missing Values

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