Search Results for author: Rohit Babbar

Found 22 papers, 9 papers with code

Labels in Extremes: How Well Calibrated are Extreme Multi-label Classifiers?

no code implementations6 Nov 2024 Nasib Ullah, Erik Schultheis, Jinbin Zhang, Rohit Babbar

To judge whether an extreme classifier is indeed suited to this task, one can look, for example, to whether it returns \emph{calibrated} probabilities, which has hitherto not been done in this field.

Product Recommendation

Navigating Extremes: Dynamic Sparsity in Large Output Space

1 code implementation5 Nov 2024 Nasib Ullah, Erik Schultheis, Mike Lasby, Yani Ioannou, Rohit Babbar

In this paper, we leverage recent advances in semi-structured sparse training to apply DST in the domain of classification with large output spaces, where memory-efficiency is paramount.

A General Online Algorithm for Optimizing Complex Performance Metrics

no code implementations20 Jun 2024 Wojciech Kotłowski, Marek Wydmuch, Erik Schultheis, Rohit Babbar, Krzysztof Dembczyński

We consider sequential maximization of performance metrics that are general functions of a confusion matrix of a classifier (such as precision, F-measure, or G-mean).

Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION

UniDEC : Unified Dual Encoder and Classifier Training for Extreme Multi-Label Classification

no code implementations4 May 2024 Siddhant Kharbanda, Devaansh Gupta, Gururaj K, Pankaj Malhotra, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Rohit Babbar

While such methods have shown empirical success, we observe two key uncharted aspects, (i) DE training typically uses only a single positive relation even for datasets which offer more, (ii) existing approaches fixate on using only OvA reduction of the multi-label problem.

Extreme Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION

Learning label-label correlations in Extreme Multi-label Classification via Label Features

no code implementations3 May 2024 Siddhant Kharbanda, Devaansh Gupta, Erik Schultheis, Atmadeep Banerjee, Cho-Jui Hsieh, Rohit Babbar

Extreme Multi-label Text Classification (XMC) involves learning a classifier that can assign an input with a subset of most relevant labels from millions of label choices.

Extreme Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +4

Towards Memory-Efficient Training for Extremely Large Output Spaces -- Learning with 500k Labels on a Single Commodity GPU

no code implementations6 Jun 2023 Erik Schultheis, Rohit Babbar

In classification problems with large output spaces (up to millions of labels), the last layer can require an enormous amount of memory.

CascadeXML: Rethinking Transformers for End-to-end Multi-resolution Training in Extreme Multi-label Classification

no code implementations29 Oct 2022 Siddhant Kharbanda, Atmadeep Banerjee, Erik Schultheis, Rohit Babbar

We thus propose CascadeXML, an end-to-end multi-resolution learning pipeline, which can harness the multi-layered architecture of a transformer model for attending to different label resolutions with separate feature representations.

Extreme Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +3

On Missing Labels, Long-tails and Propensities in Extreme Multi-label Classification

no code implementations26 Jul 2022 Erik Schultheis, Marek Wydmuch, Rohit Babbar, Krzysztof Dembczyński

The propensity model introduced by Jain et al. 2016 has become a standard approach for dealing with missing and long-tail labels in extreme multi-label classification (XMLC).

Extreme Multi-Label Classification Missing Labels +2

Adversarial Examples for Extreme Multilabel Text Classification

1 code implementation14 Dec 2021 Mohammadreza Qaraei, Rohit Babbar

Extreme Multilabel Text Classification (XMTC) is a text classification problem in which, (i) the output space is extremely large, (ii) each data point may have multiple positive labels, and (iii) the data follows a strongly imbalanced distribution.

Multilabel Text Classification Recommendation Systems +2

Propensity-scored Probabilistic Label Trees

1 code implementation20 Oct 2021 Marek Wydmuch, Kalina Jasinska-Kobus, Rohit Babbar, Krzysztof Dembczyński

Extreme multi-label classification (XMLC) refers to the task of tagging instances with small subsets of relevant labels coming from an extremely large set of all possible labels.

Extreme Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION +1

Speeding-up One-vs-All Training for Extreme Classification via Smart Initialization

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Erik Schultheis, Rohit Babbar

We want to start in a region of weight space a) with low loss value, b) that is favourable for second-order optimization, and c) where the conjugate-gradient (CG) calculations can be performed quickly.

Extreme Multi-Label Classification MUlTI-LABEL-ClASSIFICATION

Unbiased Loss Functions for Multilabel Classification with Missing Labels

no code implementations23 Sep 2021 Erik Schultheis, Rohit Babbar

This paper considers binary and multilabel classification problems in a setting where labels are missing independently and with a known rate.

Classification Extreme Multi-Label Classification +2

InceptionXML: A Lightweight Framework with Synchronized Negative Sampling for Short Text Extreme Classification

1 code implementation13 Sep 2021 Siddhant Kharbanda, Atmadeep Banerjee, Devaansh Gupta, Akash Palrecha, Rohit Babbar

Automatic annotation of short-text data to a large number of target labels, referred to as Short Text Extreme Classification, has found numerous applications including prediction of related searches and product recommendation.

Product Recommendation text-classification +2

Unbiased Loss Functions for Extreme Classification With Missing Labels

no code implementations1 Jul 2020 Erik Schultheis, Mohammadreza Qaraei, Priyanshu Gupta, Rohit Babbar

In addition to the computational burden arising from large number of training instances, features and labels, problems in XMC are faced with two statistical challenges, (i) large number of 'tail-labels' -- those which occur very infrequently, and (ii) missing labels as it is virtually impossible to manually assign every relevant label to an instance.

Classification Extreme Multi-Label Classification +4

Bonsai -- Diverse and Shallow Trees for Extreme Multi-label Classification

3 code implementations17 Apr 2019 Sujay Khandagale, Han Xiao, Rohit Babbar

In this paper, we develop a suite of algorithms, called Bonsai, which generalizes the notion of label representation in XMC, and partitions the labels in the representation space to learn shallow trees.

Classification Extreme Multi-Label Classification +3

Adversarial Extreme Multi-label Classification

1 code implementation5 Mar 2018 Rohit Babbar, Bernhard Schölkopf

The goal in extreme multi-label classification is to learn a classifier which can assign a small subset of relevant labels to an instance from an extremely large set of target labels.

Classification Extreme Multi-Label Classification +2

DiSMEC - Distributed Sparse Machines for Extreme Multi-label Classification

2 code implementations8 Sep 2016 Rohit Babbar, Bernhard Shoelkopf

In this work, we present DiSMEC, which is a large-scale distributed framework for learning one-versus-rest linear classifiers coupled with explicit capacity control to control model size.

Classification Extreme Multi-Label Classification +3

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