Search Results for author: Rohun Tripathi

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

ModEFormer: Modality-Preserving Embedding for Audio-Video Synchronization using Transformers

no code implementations21 Mar 2023 Akash Gupta, Rohun Tripathi, WonDong Jang

Lack of audio-video synchronization is a common problem during television broadcasts and video conferencing, leading to an unsatisfactory viewing experience.

Contrastive Learning Video Synchronization

SIDGAN: High-Resolution Dubbed Video Generation via Shift-Invariant Learning

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Urwa Muaz, WonDong Jang, Rohun Tripathi, Santhosh Mani, Wenbin Ouyang, Ravi Teja Gadde, Baris Gecer, Sergio Elizondo, Reza Madad, Naveen Nair

Dubbed video generation aims to accurately synchronize mouth movements of a given facial video with driving audio while preserving identity and scene-specific visual dynamics, such as head pose and lighting.

Image Generation Video Generation +1

ASAP-NMS: Accelerating Non-Maximum Suppression Using Spatially Aware Priors

1 code implementation19 Jul 2020 Rohun Tripathi, Vasu Singla, Mahyar Najibi, Bharat Singh, Abhishek Sharma, Larry Davis

The widely adopted sequential variant of Non Maximum Suppression (or Greedy-NMS) is a crucial module for object-detection pipelines.

object-detection Object Detection +1

RSO: A Gradient Free Sampling Based Approach For Training Deep Neural Networks

no code implementations12 May 2020 Rohun Tripathi, Bharat Singh

To this end, RSO adds a perturbation to a weight in a deep neural network and tests if it reduces the loss on a mini-batch.

General Classification

Semantic Segmentation with Scarce Data

no code implementations2 Jul 2018 Isay Katsman, Rohun Tripathi, Andreas Veit, Serge Belongie

Semantic segmentation is a challenging vision problem that usually necessitates the collection of large amounts of finely annotated data, which is often quite expensive to obtain.

Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Recurrent neural networks based Indic word-wise script identification using character-wise training

no code implementations11 Sep 2017 Rohun Tripathi, Aman Gill, Riccha Tripati

Raw offline data lacks the temporal information available in online data and required for prediction using models trained with online data.

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