Search Results for author: Romain Fleury

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Backpropagation-free Training of Deep Physical Neural Networks

no code implementations20 Apr 2023 Ali Momeni, Babak Rahmani, Matthieu Mallejac, Philipp del Hougne, Romain Fleury

Recent years have witnessed the outstanding success of deep learning in various fields such as vision and natural language processing.

Image Classification

Wave-based extreme deep learning based on non-linear time-Floquet entanglement

no code implementations19 Jul 2021 Ali Momeni, Romain Fleury

Wave-based analog signal processing holds the promise of extremely fast, on-the-fly, power-efficient data processing, occurring as a wave propagates through an artificially engineered medium.

Edge Detection Time Series +1

Reciprocal Metasurfaces for On-axis Reflective Optical Computing

no code implementations22 Dec 2020 Ali Momeni, Hamid Rajabalipanah, Mahdi Rahmanzadeh, Ali Abdolali, Karim Achouri, Viktar Asadchyk, Romain Fleury

Analog computing has emerged as a promising candidate for real-time and parallel continuous data processing.

Optics Applied Physics

Electromagnetic fields in a time-varying medium: Exceptional points and operator symmetries

no code implementations6 Mar 2020 Theodoros T. Koutserimpas, Romain Fleury

In this paper, we study the interactions of electromagnetic waves with a non-dispersive dynamic medium that is temporally dependent.

Optics Classical Physics

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