Search Results for author: Rong-Gen Cai

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Magnetic field and gravitational waves from the first-order Phase Transition

no code implementations31 Dec 2020 Yuefeng Di, Jialong Wang, Ruiyu Zhou, Ligong Bian, Rong-Gen Cai, Jing Liu

We perform the three dimensional lattice simulation of the magnetic field and gravitational wave productions from bubble collisions during the first-order electroweak phase transition.

Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics High Energy Physics - Lattice High Energy Physics - Phenomenology

Do the observational data favor a local void?

no code implementations15 Dec 2020 Rong-Gen Cai, Jia-Feng Ding, Zong-Kuan Guo, Shao-Jiang Wang, Wang-Wei Yu

The increasing tension between the different local direct measurements of the Hubble expansion rate and that inferred from the Cosmic Microwave Background observation by $\Lambda$-Cold-Dark-Matter model could be a smoking gun of new physics, if not caused by either observational systematics or local bias.

Cosmology and Nongalactic Astrophysics

Two 3-Branes in Randall-Sundrum Setup and Current Acceleration of the Universe

no code implementations17 Jul 2006 Anzhong Wang, Rong-Gen Cai, N. O. Santos

The global structure of the bulk as well as the 3-branes is also studied, and found that in some cases the solutions may represent the collision of two orbifold 3-branes.


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