Search Results for author: Rose Qingyang Hu

Found 21 papers, 0 papers with code

Joint Power and Spectrum Orchestration for D2D Semantic Communication Underlying Energy-Efficient Cellular Networks

no code implementations30 Jan 2025 Le Xia, Yao Sun, Haijian Sun, Rose Qingyang Hu, Dusit Niyato, Muhammad Ali Imran

Semantic communication (SemCom) has been recently deemed a promising next-generation wireless technique to enable efficient spectrum savings and information exchanges, thus naturally introducing a novel and practical network paradigm where cellular and device-to-device (D2D) SemCom approaches coexist.

Management Semantic Communication +1

Blockage-Aware Robust Beamforming in RIS-Aided Mobile Millimeter Wave MIMO Systems

no code implementations2 Mar 2024 Yan Yang, Shuping Dang, Miaowen Wen, Bo Ai, Rose Qingyang Hu

For the rate maximization problem, an accelerated projected gradient descent (PGD) algorithm is developed to solve the computational challenge of high-dimensional RIS phase-shift matrix (PSM) optimization.

Spatial Channel State Information Prediction with Generative AI: Towards Holographic Communication and Digital Radio Twin

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Lihao Zhang, Haijian Sun, Yong Zeng, Rose Qingyang Hu

As 5G technology becomes increasingly established, the anticipation for 6G is growing, which promises to deliver faster and more reliable wireless connections via cutting-edge radio technologies.


Cognitive Semantic Communication Systems Driven by Knowledge Graph: Principle, Implementation, and Performance Evaluation

no code implementations15 Mar 2023 Fuhui Zhou, Yihao Li, Ming Xu, Lu Yuan, Qihui Wu, Rose Qingyang Hu, Naofal Al-Dhahir

Extensive simulation results conducted on a public dataset demonstrate that our proposed single-user and multi-user cognitive semantic communication systems are superior to benchmark communication systems in terms of the data compression rate and communication reliability.

Data Compression Semantic Communication

Pricing for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface Aided Wireless Networks: Models and Principles

no code implementations1 Nov 2022 Yulan Gao, Yue Xiao, Xianfu Lei, Qiaonan Zhu, Dusit Niyato, Kai-Kit Wong, Pingzhi Fan, Rose Qingyang Hu

Specifically, we commence with a comprehensive introduction of RIS pricing with its potential applications in RIS networks, meanwhile the fundamentals of pricing models are summarized in order to benefit both RIS holders and WSPs.

One-to-Many Semantic Communication Systems: Design, Implementation, Performance Evaluation

no code implementations20 Sep 2022 Han Hu, Xingwu Zhu, Fuhui Zhou, Wei Wu, Rose Qingyang Hu, Hongbo Zhu

To effectively exploit the benefits enabled by semantic communication, in this paper, we propose a one-to-many semantic communication system.

Semantic Communication Transfer Learning

A New Implementation of Federated Learning for Privacy and Security Enhancement

no code implementations3 Aug 2022 Xiang Ma, Haijian Sun, Rose Qingyang Hu, Yi Qian

Nevertheless, since it is the model instead of the raw data that is shared, the system can be exposed to the poisoning model attacks launched by malicious clients.

Federated Learning

Energy Efficiency and Delay Tradeoff in an MEC-Enabled Mobile IoT Network

no code implementations8 Feb 2022 Han Hu, Weiwei Song, Qun Wang, Rose Qingyang Hu, Hongbo Zhu

Theoretical analysis proves that the proposed algorithm can achieve a $[O(1/V), O(V)]$ tradeoff between EE and service delay.

Edge-computing Stochastic Optimization

When Machine Learning Meets Spectrum Sharing Security: Methodologies and Challenges

no code implementations12 Jan 2022 Qun Wang, Haijian Sun, Rose Qingyang Hu, Arupjyoti Bhuyan

The exponential growth of internet connected systems has generated numerous challenges, such as spectrum shortage issues, which require efficient spectrum sharing (SS) solutions.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Energy-Efficient Design for IRS-Assisted MEC Networks with NOMA

no code implementations19 Sep 2021 Qun Wang, Fuhui Zhou, Han Hu, Rose Qingyang Hu

Energy-efficient design is of crucial importance in wireless internet of things (IoT) networks.


User Scheduling for Federated Learning Through Over-the-Air Computation

no code implementations5 Aug 2021 Xiang Ma, Haijian Sun, Qun Wang, Rose Qingyang Hu

A new machine learning (ML) technique termed as federated learning (FL) aims to preserve data at the edge devices and to only exchange ML model parameters in the learning process.

Federated Learning Scheduling

A Novel Automatic Modulation Classification Scheme Based on Multi-Scale Networks

no code implementations31 May 2021 Hao Zhang, Fuhui Zhou, Qihui Wu, Wei Wu, Rose Qingyang Hu

Moreover, a novel loss function that combines the center loss and the cross entropy loss is exploited to learn both discriminative and separable features in order to further improve the classification performance.

Classification Diversity +1

Mobility-Aware Offloading and Resource Allocation in MEC-Enabled IoT Networks

no code implementations16 Mar 2021 Han Hu, Weiwei Song, Qun Wang, Fuhui Zhou, Rose Qingyang Hu

In this paper, the offloading decision and resource allocation problem is studied with mobility consideration.

Autonomous Driving Edge-computing

Secure and Energy-Efficient Offloading and Resource Allocation in a NOMA-Based MEC Network

no code implementations9 Feb 2021 Qun Wang, Han Hu, Haijian Sun, Rose Qingyang Hu

In this paper, we study the task offloading and resource allocation problem in a non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) assisted MEC network with security and energy efficiency considerations.


Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning enabled Computation Resource Allocation in a Vehicular Cloud Network

no code implementations14 Aug 2020 Shilin Xu, Caili Guo, Rose Qingyang Hu, Yi Qian

To support the ever increasing computational needs in such a vehicular network, the distributed virtual cloud network (VCN) is formed, based on which a computational resource sharing scheme through offloading among nearby vehicles is proposed.

Combinatorial Optimization Deep Reinforcement Learning +1

Artificial Intelligence Assisted Collaborative Edge Caching in Small Cell Networks

no code implementations16 May 2020 Md Ferdous Pervej, Le Thanh Tan, Rose Qingyang Hu

Unlike these legacy modeling paradigms, this paper considers heterogeneous content preference of the users with heterogeneous caching models at the edge nodes.

A Machine Learning Based Framework for the Smart Healthcare Monitoring

no code implementations4 Apr 2020 Abrar Zahin, Le Thanh Tan, Rose Qingyang Hu

Thus, teh primary purpose of thus study is to reconstruct the image as visibly clear as possible and hence it helps the detection step at the trained classifier.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

Adaptive Federated Learning With Gradient Compression in Uplink NOMA

no code implementations3 Mar 2020 Haijian Sun, Xiang Ma, Rose Qingyang Hu

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging machine learning technique that aggregates model attributes from a large number of distributed devices.

Networking and Internet Architecture Signal Processing

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