Search Results for author: Rosie Jones

Found 14 papers, 0 papers with code

Unsupervised Speaker Diarization that is Agnostic to Language, Overlap-Aware, and Tuning Free

no code implementations25 Jul 2022 M. Iftekhar Tanveer, Diego Casabuena, Jussi Karlgren, Rosie Jones

Podcasts are conversational in nature and speaker changes are frequent -- requiring speaker diarization for content understanding.

speaker-diarization Speaker Diarization

The Contribution of Lyrics and Acoustics to Collaborative Understanding of Mood

no code implementations31 May 2022 Shahrzad Naseri, Sravana Reddy, Joana Correia, Jussi Karlgren, Rosie Jones

We find that a pretrained transformer-based language model in a zero-shot setting -- i. e., out of the box with no further training on our data -- is powerful for capturing song-mood associations.

Language Modeling Language Modelling

Podcast Metadata and Content: Episode Relevance andAttractiveness in Ad Hoc Search

no code implementations25 Aug 2021 Ben Carterette, Rosie Jones, Gareth F. Jones, Maria Eskevich, Sravana Reddy, Ann Clifton, Yongze Yu, Jussi Karlgren, Ian Soboroff

We describe a set of diverse podcast information needs and different approaches to assessing retrieved content for relevance.

Current Challenges and Future Directions in Podcast Information Access

no code implementations17 Jun 2021 Rosie Jones, Hamed Zamani, Markus Schedl, Ching-Wei Chen, Sravana Reddy, Ann Clifton, Jussi Karlgren, Helia Hashemi, Aasish Pappu, Zahra Nazari, Longqi Yang, Oguz Semerci, Hugues Bouchard, Ben Carterette

Podcasts are spoken documents across a wide-range of genres and styles, with growing listenership across the world, and a rapidly lowering barrier to entry for both listeners and creators.

Modeling Language Usage and Listener Engagement in Podcasts

no code implementations ACL 2021 Sravana Reddy, Marina Lazarova, Yongze Yu, Rosie Jones

While there is an abundance of popular writing targeted to podcast creators on how to speak in ways that engage their listeners, there has been little data-driven analysis of podcasts that relates linguistic style with listener engagement.


Spotify at TREC 2020: Genre-Aware Abstractive Podcast Summarization

no code implementations7 Apr 2021 Rezvaneh Rezapour, Sravana Reddy, Ann Clifton, Rosie Jones

This paper contains the description of our submissions to the summarization task of the Podcast Track in TREC (the Text REtrieval Conference) 2020.

Text Retrieval

Detecting Extraneous Content in Podcasts

no code implementations EACL 2021 Sravana Reddy, Yongze Yu, Aasish Pappu, Aswin Sivaraman, Rezvaneh Rezapour, Rosie Jones

Podcast episodes often contain material extraneous to the main content, such as advertisements, interleaved within the audio and the written descriptions.

Music Information Retrieval

Common Conversational Community Prototype: Scholarly Conversational Assistant

no code implementations19 Jan 2020 Krisztian Balog, Lucie Flekova, Matthias Hagen, Rosie Jones, Martin Potthast, Filip Radlinski, Mark Sanderson, Svitlana Vakulenko, Hamed Zamani

This paper discusses the potential for creating academic resources (tools, data, and evaluation approaches) to support research in conversational search, by focusing on realistic information needs and conversational interactions.

Conversational Search

Evaluating Search Engines by Modeling the Relationship Between Relevance and Clicks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2007 Ben Carterette, Rosie Jones

We propose a model that leverages the millions of clicks received by web search engines, to predict document relevance.

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