Search Results for author: Ru Wang

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Generating Unseen Nonlinear Evolution in Sea Surface Temperature Using a Deep Learning-Based Latent Space Data Assimilation Framework

no code implementations18 Dec 2024 Qingyu Zheng, Guijun Han, Wei Li, Lige Cao, Gongfu Zhou, Haowen Wu, Qi Shao, Ru Wang, Xiaobo Wu, Xudong Cui, Hong Li, Xuan Wang

To fuse multi-source data and reconstruct the nonlinear evolution missing from observations, geoscientists are developing future-oriented DA methods.

Peer attention enhances student learning

1 code implementation4 Dec 2023 Songlin Xu, Dongyin Hu, Ru Wang, Xinyu Zhang

Human visual attention is susceptible to social influences.

Learning Not to Learn in the Presence of Noisy Labels

no code implementations16 Feb 2020 Liu Ziyin, Blair Chen, Ru Wang, Paul Pu Liang, Ruslan Salakhutdinov, Louis-Philippe Morency, Masahito Ueda

Learning in the presence of label noise is a challenging yet important task: it is crucial to design models that are robust in the presence of mislabeled datasets.

Memorization text-classification +1

Approximate Random Dropout

no code implementations23 May 2018 Zhuoran Song, Ru Wang, Dongyu Ru, Hongru Huang, Zhenghao Peng, Jing Ke, Xiaoyao Liang, Li Jiang

In this paper, we propose the Approximate Random Dropout that replaces the conventional random dropout of neurons and synapses with a regular and predefined patterns to eliminate the unnecessary computation and data access.

Learning directed acyclic graphs via bootstrap aggregating

no code implementations9 Jun 2014 Ru Wang, Jie Peng

Specifically, an ensemble of DAGs is first learned based on bootstrap resamples of the data and then an aggregated DAG is derived by minimizing the overall distance to the entire ensemble.

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