Search Results for author: Rubén Izquierdo

Found 7 papers, 1 papers with code

Behavioural gap assessment of human-vehicle interaction in real and virtual reality-based scenarios in autonomous driving

no code implementations4 Jul 2024 Sergio. Martín Serrano, Rubén Izquierdo, Iván García Daza, Miguel Ángel Sotelo, D. Fernández Llorca

In this paper, we present a first and innovative approach to evaluating what we term the behavioural gap, a concept that captures the disparity in a participant's conduct when engaging in a VR experiment compared to an equivalent real-world situation.

Autonomous Driving valid

RAG-based Explainable Prediction of Road Users Behaviors for Automated Driving using Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

no code implementations1 May 2024 Mohamed Manzour Hussien, Angie Nataly Melo, Augusto Luis Ballardini, Carlota Salinas Maldonado, Rubén Izquierdo, Miguel Ángel Sotelo

For that purpose, Knowledge Graph Embeddings (KGE) and Bayesian inference are combined to allow the deployment of a fully inductive reasoning system that enables the issuing of predictions that rely on legacy information contained in the graph as well as on current evidence gathered in real time by onboard sensors.

Autonomous Driving Bayesian Inference +3

Pedestrian and Passenger Interaction with Autonomous Vehicles: Field Study in a Crosswalk Scenario

no code implementations11 Dec 2023 Rubén Izquierdo, Javier Alonso, Ola Benderius, Miguel Ángel Sotelo, David Fernández Llorca

The internal and external HMIs were integrated with implicit communication techniques, incorporating a combination of gentle and aggressive braking maneuvers within the crosswalk.

Autonomous Vehicles

Attribute Annotation and Bias Evaluation in Visual Datasets for Autonomous Driving

1 code implementation11 Dec 2023 David Fernández Llorca, Pedro Frau, Ignacio Parra, Rubén Izquierdo, Emilia Gómez

This paper addresses the often overlooked issue of fairness in the autonomous driving domain, particularly in vision-based perception and prediction systems, which play a pivotal role in the overall functioning of Autonomous Vehicles (AVs).

Attribute Autonomous Driving +1

WiFiNet: WiFi-based indoor localisation using CNNs

no code implementations14 Apr 2021 Noelia Hernández, Ignacio Parra, Héctor Corrales, Rubén Izquierdo, Augusto Luis Ballardini, Carlota Salinas, Iván Garcia

Different technologies have been proposed to provide indoor localisation: magnetic field, bluetooth , WiFi, etc.

Transfer Learning

Vehicle Ego-Lane Estimation with Sensor Failure Modeling

no code implementations5 Feb 2020 Augusto Luis Ballardini, Daniele Cattaneo, Rubén Izquierdo, Ignacio Parra Alonso, Andrea Piazzoni, Miguel Ángel Sotelo, Domenico Giorgio Sorrenti

We present a probabilistic ego-lane estimation algorithm for highway-like scenarios that is designed to increase the accuracy of the ego-lane estimate, which can be obtained relying only on a noisy line detector and tracker.

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