Search Results for author: Rui Zou

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

Gradual Vigilance and Interval Communication: Enhancing Value Alignment in Multi-Agent Debates

no code implementations18 Dec 2024 Rui Zou, Mengqi Wei, Jintian Feng, Qian Wan, Jianwen Sun, Sannyuya Liu

To apply MAD to value alignment, we examine the relationship between the helpfulness and harmlessness of debate outcomes and individual responses, and propose a MAD based framework Gradual Vigilance and Interval Communication (GVIC).

Multiplayer Homicidal Chauffeur Reach-Avoid Games: A Pursuit Enclosure Function Approach

no code implementations4 Nov 2023 Rui Yan, Xiaoming Duan, Rui Zou, Xin He, Zongying Shi, Francesco Bullo

We propose a cooperative strategy for the pursuers based on subgames for multiple pursuers against one evader and optimal task allocation.


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