1 code implementation • ACL 2022 • Hao Chen, Zepeng Zhai, Fangxiang Feng, Ruifan Li, Xiaojie Wang
Specifically, we first define ten types of relations for ASTE task, and then adopt a biaffine attention module to embed these relations as an adjacent tensor between words in a sentence.
no code implementations • COLING 2022 • Ziqin Rao, Fangxiang Feng, Ruifan Li, Xiaojie Wang
Our BGM comprises of an instance embedding module and a bag representation module.
1 code implementation • 7 Aug 2024 • Zebin Yao, Fangxiang Feng, Ruifan Li, Xiaojie Wang
Current methods struggle with attribute leakage and layout confusion when handling multiple concepts, leading to reduced concept fidelity and semantic consistency.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2024 • Zhihan Yu, Ruifan Li
To this aim we first propose a fine-grained counterfactual sample generation method to construct C-REC datasets.
1 code implementation • ACL 2021 • Ruifan Li, Hao Chen, Fangxiang Feng, Zhanyu Ma, Xiaojie Wang, Eduard Hovy
To overcome these challenges, in this paper, we propose a dual graph convolutional networks (DualGCN) model that considers the complementarity of syntax structures and semantic correlations simultaneously.
Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis (ABSA) +2
no code implementations • Neurocomputing 2020 • Ruifan Li, Haoyun Liang, Yihui Shi, Fangxiang Feng, Xiaojie Wang
Abstract The task of paragraph image captioning aims to generate a coherent paragraph describing a given image.
no code implementations • 4 Jul 2013 • Fangxiang Feng, Ruifan Li, Xiaojie Wang
This paper describes our solution to the multi-modal learning challenge of ICML.
11 code implementations • 1 Jul 2013 • Ian J. Goodfellow, Dumitru Erhan, Pierre Luc Carrier, Aaron Courville, Mehdi Mirza, Ben Hamner, Will Cukierski, Yichuan Tang, David Thaler, Dong-Hyun Lee, Yingbo Zhou, Chetan Ramaiah, Fangxiang Feng, Ruifan Li, Xiaojie Wang, Dimitris Athanasakis, John Shawe-Taylor, Maxim Milakov, John Park, Radu Ionescu, Marius Popescu, Cristian Grozea, James Bergstra, Jingjing Xie, Lukasz Romaszko, Bing Xu, Zhang Chuang, Yoshua Bengio
The ICML 2013 Workshop on Challenges in Representation Learning focused on three challenges: the black box learning challenge, the facial expression recognition challenge, and the multimodal learning challenge.
Ranked #13 on Facial Expression Recognition (FER) on FER2013