Search Results for author: Ruiqi Zheng

Found 9 papers, 1 papers with code

DecKG: Decentralized Collaborative Learning with Knowledge Graph Enhancement for POI Recommendation

no code implementations14 Oct 2024 Ruiqi Zheng, Liang Qu, Guanhua Ye, Tong Chen, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

Due to private nature of local data, identifying relevant auxiliary information specific to each user is non-trivial.

Poisoning Decentralized Collaborative Recommender System and Its Countermeasures

no code implementations1 Apr 2024 Ruiqi Zheng, Liang Qu, Tong Chen, Kai Zheng, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

Knowledge sharing also opens a backdoor for model poisoning attacks, where adversaries disguise themselves as benign clients and disseminate polluted knowledge to achieve malicious goals like promoting an item's exposure rate.

Model Poisoning Recommendation Systems

Towards Personalized Privacy: User-Governed Data Contribution for Federated Recommendation

no code implementations31 Jan 2024 Liang Qu, Wei Yuan, Ruiqi Zheng, Lizhen Cui, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

To bridge this gap, this paper explores a user-governed data contribution federated recommendation architecture where users are free to take control of whether they share data and the proportion of data they share to the server.

Contrastive Learning Graph Neural Network

Decentralized Collaborative Learning with Adaptive Reference Data for On-Device POI Recommendation

no code implementations24 Jan 2024 Ruiqi Zheng, Liang Qu, Tong Chen, Lizhen Cui, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

Collaborative Learning (CL) emerges to promote model sharing among users, where reference data is an intermediary that allows users to exchange their soft decisions without directly sharing their private data or parameters, ensuring privacy and benefiting from collaboration.

On-Device Recommender Systems: A Comprehensive Survey

no code implementations21 Jan 2024 Hongzhi Yin, Liang Qu, Tong Chen, Wei Yuan, Ruiqi Zheng, Jing Long, Xin Xia, Yuhui Shi, Chengqi Zhang

Recently, driven by the advances in storage, communication, and computation capabilities of edge devices, there has been a shift of focus from CloudRSs to on-device recommender systems (DeviceRSs), which leverage the capabilities of edge devices to minimize centralized data storage requirements, reduce the response latency caused by communication overheads, and enhance user privacy and security by localizing data processing and model training.

Recommendation Systems Survey

Personalized Elastic Embedding Learning for On-Device Recommendation

no code implementations18 Jun 2023 Ruiqi Zheng, Liang Qu, Tong Chen, Kai Zheng, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

Given a memory budget, PEEL efficiently generates PEEs by selecting embedding blocks with the largest weights, making it adaptable to dynamic memory budgets on devices.


Semi-decentralized Federated Ego Graph Learning for Recommendation

no code implementations10 Feb 2023 Liang Qu, Ningzhi Tang, Ruiqi Zheng, Quoc Viet Hung Nguyen, Zi Huang, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

In light of this, we propose a semi-decentralized federated ego graph learning framework for on-device recommendations, named SemiDFEGL, which introduces new device-to-device collaborations to improve scalability and reduce communication costs and innovatively utilizes predicted interacted item nodes to connect isolated ego graphs to augment local subgraphs such that the high-order user-item collaborative information could be used in a privacy-preserving manner.

Collaborative Filtering Graph Learning +2

AutoML for Deep Recommender Systems: A Survey

no code implementations25 Mar 2022 Ruiqi Zheng, Liang Qu, Bin Cui, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

To tackle this problem, Automated Machine Learning (AutoML) is introduced to automatically search for the proper candidates for different parts of deep recommender systems.

AutoML feature selection +2

ImGAGN:Imbalanced Network Embedding via Generative Adversarial Graph Networks

1 code implementation5 Jun 2021 Liang Qu, Huaisheng Zhu, Ruiqi Zheng, Yuhui Shi, Hongzhi Yin

Imbalanced classification on graphs is ubiquitous yet challenging in many real-world applications, such as fraudulent node detection.

Attribute Classification +3

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