Search Results for author: Ruisi Wang

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

WHAC: World-grounded Humans and Cameras

1 code implementation19 Mar 2024 Wanqi Yin, Zhongang Cai, Ruisi Wang, Fanzhou Wang, Chen Wei, Haiyi Mei, Weiye Xiao, Zhitao Yang, Qingping Sun, Atsushi Yamashita, Ziwei Liu, Lei Yang

In this study, we aim to recover expressive parametric human models (i. e., SMPL-X) and corresponding camera poses jointly, by leveraging the synergy between three critical players: the world, the human, and the camera.

Camera Pose Estimation Pose Estimation

Digital Life Project: Autonomous 3D Characters with Social Intelligence

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Zhongang Cai, Jianping Jiang, Zhongfei Qing, Xinying Guo, Mingyuan Zhang, Zhengyu Lin, Haiyi Mei, Chen Wei, Ruisi Wang, Wanqi Yin, Xiangyu Fan, Han Du, Liang Pan, Peng Gao, Zhitao Yang, Yang Gao, Jiaqi Li, Tianxiang Ren, Yukun Wei, Xiaogang Wang, Chen Change Loy, Lei Yang, Ziwei Liu

In this work, we present Digital Life Project, a framework utilizing language as the universal medium to build autonomous 3D characters, who are capable of engaging in social interactions and expressing with articulated body motions, thereby simulating life in a digital environment.

Diversity Motion Captioning +2

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