Search Results for author: Ruitao Xie

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Accurate Explanation Model for Image Classifiers using Class Association Embedding

1 code implementation12 Jun 2024 Ruitao Xie, Jingbang Chen, Limai Jiang, Rui Xiao, Yi Pan, Yunpeng Cai

Recombining the individual code of a given sample with altered class-associated code leads to a synthetic real-looking sample with preserved individual characters but modified class-associated features and possibly flipped class assignments.

Classification Explainable Models +2

Finding Beautiful and Happy Images for Mental Health and Well-being Applications

no code implementations28 Apr 2024 Ruitao Xie, Connor Qiu, Guoping Qiu

This paper explores how artificial intelligence (AI) technology can contribute to achieve progress on good health and well-being, one of the United Nations' 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

Multi-Criteria Client Selection and Scheduling with Fairness Guarantee for Federated Learning Service

no code implementations5 Dec 2023 Meiying Zhang, Huan Zhao, Sheldon Ebron, Ruitao Xie, Kan Yang

Then, we formulate the initial client pool selection problem into an optimization problem that aims to maximize the overall scores of selected clients within a given budget and propose a greedy algorithm to solve it.

Fairness Federated Learning +1

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