Search Results for author: Rujiao Zhang

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

Reformulating Sequential Recommendation: Learning Dynamic User Interest with Content-enriched Language Modeling

1 code implementation19 Sep 2023 Junzhe Jiang, Shang Qu, Mingyue Cheng, Qi Liu, Zhiding Liu, Hao Zhang, Rujiao Zhang, Kai Zhang, Rui Li, Jiatong Li, Min Gao

Recommender systems are indispensable in the realm of online applications, and sequential recommendation has enjoyed considerable prevalence due to its capacity to encapsulate the dynamic shifts in user interests.

Language Modelling Sequential Recommendation +1

TimeMAE: Self-Supervised Representations of Time Series with Decoupled Masked Autoencoders

4 code implementations1 Mar 2023 Mingyue Cheng, Qi Liu, Zhiding Liu, Hao Zhang, Rujiao Zhang, Enhong Chen

In this work, we propose TimeMAE, a novel self-supervised paradigm for learning transferrable time series representations based on transformer networks.

Time Series Time Series Analysis +1

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