Search Results for author: Rumen Hristov

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

What Radio Waves Tell Us about Sleep

no code implementations20 May 2024 Hao He, Chao Li, Wolfgang Ganglberger, Kaileigh Gallagher, Rumen Hristov, Michail Ouroutzoglou, Haoqi Sun, Jimeng Sun, Brandon Westover, Dina Katabi

The ability to assess sleep at home, capture sleep stages, and detect the occurrence of apnea (without on-body sensors) simply by analyzing the radio waves bouncing off people's bodies while they sleep is quite powerful.

Learning Longterm Representations for Person Re-Identification Using Radio Signals

no code implementations CVPR 2020 Lijie Fan, Tianhong Li, Rongyao Fang, Rumen Hristov, Yuan Yuan, Dina Katabi

RF signals traverse clothes and reflect off the human body; thus they can be used to extract more persistent human-identifying features like body size and shape.

Person Re-Identification Privacy Preserving

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