Search Results for author: Rumen Iliev

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

Leveraging Language Models and Bandit Algorithms to Drive Adoption of Battery-Electric Vehicles

no code implementations30 Oct 2024 Keiichi Namikoshi, David A. Shamma, Rumen Iliev, Jingchao Fang, Alexandre Filipowicz, Candice L Hogan, Charlene Wu, Nikos Arechiga

Prior work has demonstrated that interventions for behavior must be personalized, and that the intervention that is most effective on average across a large group can result in a backlash effect that strengthens opposition among some subgroups.

Understanding and Shifting Preferences for Battery Electric Vehicles

no code implementations9 Feb 2022 Nikos Arechiga, Francine Chen, Rumen Iliev, Emily Sumner, Scott Carter, Alex Filipowicz, Nayeli Bravo, Monica Van, Kate Glazko, Kalani Murakami, Laurent Denoue, Candice Hogan, Katharine Sieck, Charlene Wu, Kent Lyons

In this work, we focus on methods for personalizing interventions based on an individual's demographics to shift the preferences of consumers to be more positive towards Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

Reinforcement Learning (RL)

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