Search Results for author: Runze Wang

Found 8 papers, 1 papers with code

ObjectRelator: Enabling Cross-View Object Relation Understanding in Ego-Centric and Exo-Centric Videos

no code implementations28 Nov 2024 Yuqian Fu, Runze Wang, Yanwei Fu, Danda Pani Paudel, Xuanjing Huang, Luc van Gool

In this paper, we focus on the Ego-Exo Object Correspondence task, an emerging challenge in the field of computer vision that aims to map objects across ego-centric and exo-centric views.

Object Object Localization +1

Application based Evaluation of an Efficient Spike-Encoder, "Spiketrum"

no code implementations24 May 2024 MHD Anas Alsakkal, Runze Wang, Jayawan Wijekoon, Huajin Tang

A prevailing consensus suggests that spike-based approaches demonstrate exceptional capabilities in capturing the temporal dynamics of neural activity and have the potential to provide energy-efficient solutions for low-power applications.

Benchmarking Classification

How Can Large Language Models Understand Spatial-Temporal Data?

no code implementations25 Jan 2024 Lei Liu, Shuo Yu, Runze Wang, Zhenxun Ma, Yanming Shen

We tackle the data mismatch by proposing: 1) STG-Tokenizer: This spatial-temporal graph tokenizer transforms intricate graph data into concise tokens capturing both spatial and temporal relationships; 2) STG-Adapter: This minimalistic adapter, consisting of linear encoding and decoding layers, bridges the gap between tokenized data and LLM comprehension.

Natural Language Understanding

McQueen: a Benchmark for Multimodal Conversational Query Rewrite

1 code implementation23 Oct 2022 Yifei Yuan, Chen Shi, Runze Wang, Liyi Chen, Feijun Jiang, Yuan You, Wai Lam

In this paper, we propose the task of multimodal conversational query rewrite (McQR), which performs query rewrite under the multimodal visual conversation setting.

Can You be More Social? Injecting Politeness and Positivity into Task-Oriented Conversational Agents

no code implementations29 Dec 2020 Yi-Chia Wang, Alexandros Papangelis, Runze Wang, Zhaleh Feizollahi, Gokhan Tur, Robert Kraut

The second component of the research is the construction of a conversational agent model capable of injecting social language into an agent's responses while still preserving content.

Joint Contextual Modeling for ASR Correction and Language Understanding

no code implementations28 Jan 2020 Yue Weng, Sai Sumanth Miryala, Chandra Khatri, Runze Wang, Huaixiu Zheng, Piero Molino, Mahdi Namazifar, Alexandros Papangelis, Hugh Williams, Franziska Bell, Gokhan Tur

As a baseline approach, we trained task-specific Statistical Language Models (SLM) and fine-tuned state-of-the-art Generalized Pre-training (GPT) Language Model to re-rank the n-best ASR hypotheses, followed by a model to identify the dialog act and slots.

Automatic Speech Recognition Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) +3

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