1 code implementation • 11 Oct 2022 • Chenxia Li, Ruoyu Guo, Jun Zhou, Mengtao An, Yuning Du, Lingfeng Zhu, Yi Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu
For Table Recognition model, we utilize PP-LCNet, CSP-PAN and SLAHead to optimize the backbone module, feature fusion module and decoding module, respectively, which improved the table structure accuracy by 6\% with comparable inference speed.
Ranked #1 on
Network Pruning
on CIFAR-100
(Inference Time (ms) metric)
1 code implementation • 7 Jun 2022 • Chenxia Li, Weiwei Liu, Ruoyu Guo, Xiaoting Yin, Kaitao Jiang, Yongkun Du, Yuning Du, Lingfeng Zhu, Baohua Lai, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma
For text recognizer, the base model is replaced from CRNN to SVTR, and we introduce lightweight text recognition network SVTR LCNet, guided training of CTC by attention, data augmentation strategy TextConAug, better pre-trained model by self-supervised TextRotNet, UDML, and UIM to accelerate the model and improve the effect.
2 code implementations • 1 Nov 2021 • Shengyu Wei, Ruoyu Guo, Cheng Cui, Bin Lu, Shuilong Dong, Tingquan Gao, Yuning Du, Ying Zhou, Xueying Lyu, Qiwen Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma
In recent years, image recognition applications have developed rapidly.
8 code implementations • 17 Sep 2021 • Cheng Cui, Tingquan Gao, Shengyu Wei, Yuning Du, Ruoyu Guo, Shuilong Dong, Bin Lu, Ying Zhou, Xueying Lv, Qiwen Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma
We propose a lightweight CPU network based on the MKLDNN acceleration strategy, named PP-LCNet, which improves the performance of lightweight models on multiple tasks.
3 code implementations • 7 Sep 2021 • Yuning Du, Chenxia Li, Ruoyu Guo, Cheng Cui, Weiwei Liu, Jun Zhou, Bin Lu, Yehua Yang, Qiwen Liu, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Yanjun Ma
Optical Character Recognition (OCR) systems have been widely used in various of application scenarios.
Optical Character Recognition
Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
2 code implementations • 10 Mar 2021 • Cheng Cui, Ruoyu Guo, Yuning Du, Dongliang He, Fu Li, Zewu Wu, Qiwen Liu, Shilei Wen, Jizhou Huang, Xiaoguang Hu, dianhai yu, Errui Ding, Yanjun Ma
Recently, research efforts have been concentrated on revealing how pre-trained model makes a difference in neural network performance.
2 code implementations • 15 Oct 2020 • Pengcheng Yuan, Shufei Lin, Cheng Cui, Yuning Du, Ruoyu Guo, Dongliang He, Errui Ding, Shumin Han
Moreover, Hierarchical-Split block is very flexible and efficient, which provides a large space of potential network architectures for different applications.
10 code implementations • 21 Sep 2020 • Yuning Du, Chenxia Li, Ruoyu Guo, Xiaoting Yin, Weiwei Liu, Jun Zhou, Yifan Bai, Zilin Yu, Yehua Yang, Qingqing Dang, Haoshuang Wang
Meanwhile, several pre-trained models for the Chinese and English recognition are released, including a text detector (97K images are used), a direction classifier (600K images are used) as well as a text recognizer (17. 9M images are used).
no code implementations • 17 Nov 2019 • Ruoyu Guo, Cheng Cui, Yuning Du, Xianglong Meng, Xiaodi Wang, Jingwei Liu, Jianfeng Zhu, Yuan Feng, Shumin Han
We present an object detection framework based on PaddlePaddle.
no code implementations • 12 Sep 2019 • Joe P. Chen, Ruoyu Guo
In this paper we establish the spectrum of the magnetic Laplacian, as a set of real numbers with multiplicities, on the Sierpinski gasket graph ($SG$) where the magnetic fluxes equal $\alpha$ through the upright triangles, and $\beta$ through the downright triangles.
Mathematical Physics Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics Combinatorics Mathematical Physics Probability Spectral Theory 05C50, 11C20, 32M25, 37F50, 47A10, 58J50, 82D40