Search Results for author: Rushuang Zhou

Found 4 papers, 2 papers with code

Semi-Supervised Learning for Multi-Label Cardiovascular Diseases Prediction:A Multi-Dataset Study

no code implementations18 Jun 2023 Rushuang Zhou, Lei Lu, Zijun Liu, Ting Xiang, Zhen Liang, David A. Clifton, Yining Dong, Yuan-Ting Zhang

However, the label scarcity problem, the co-occurrence of multiple CVDs and the poor performance on unseen datasets greatly hinder the widespread application of deep learning-based models.

Data Augmentation Electrocardiography (ECG) +2

EEGMatch: Learning with Incomplete Labels for Semi-Supervised EEG-based Cross-Subject Emotion Recognition

1 code implementation27 Mar 2023 Rushuang Zhou, Weishan Ye, Zhiguo Zhang, Yanyang Luo, Li Zhang, Linling Li, Gan Huang, Yining Dong, Yuan-Ting Zhang, Zhen Liang

The results show the proposed EEGmatch performs better than the state-of-the-art methods under different incomplete label conditions (with 6. 89% improvement on SEED and 1. 44% improvement on SEED-IV), which demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed EEGMatch in dealing with the label scarcity problem in emotion recognition using EEG signals.

Data Augmentation Domain Adaptation +3

EEGFuseNet: Hybrid Unsupervised Deep Feature Characterization and Fusion for High-Dimensional EEG with An Application to Emotion Recognition

no code implementations7 Feb 2021 Zhen Liang, Rushuang Zhou, Li Zhang, Linling Li, Gan Huang, Zhiguo Zhang, Shin Ishii

The performance of the extracted deep and low-dimensional features by EEGFuseNet is carefully evaluated in an unsupervised emotion recognition application based on three public emotion databases.

EEG Emotion Recognition +2

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