Search Results for author: Rutwik Shah

Found 5 papers, 1 papers with code

Adversarial Robust Training of Deep Learning MRI Reconstruction Models

1 code implementation30 Oct 2020 Francesco Calivá, Kaiyang Cheng, Rutwik Shah, Valentina Pedoia

These results are encouraging, and highlight the necessity for attention to this problem by the image reconstruction community, as a milestone for the introduction of DL reconstruction in clinical practice.

Deep Learning MRI Reconstruction

Hierarchical Severity Staging of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries using Deep Learning with MRI Images

no code implementations20 Mar 2020 Nikan K. Namiri, Io Flament, Bruno Astuto, Rutwik Shah, Radhika Tibrewala, Francesco Caliva, Thomas M. Link, Valentina Pedoia, Sharmila Majumdar

Results: The overall accuracy and weighted Cohen's kappa reported for ACL injury classification were higher using the 2D CNN (accuracy: 92% (233/254) and kappa: 0. 83) than the 3D CNN (accuracy: 89% (225/254) and kappa: 0. 83) (P = . 27).

General Classification Lesion Classification +1

Breaking Speed Limits with Simultaneous Ultra-Fast MRI Reconstruction and Tissue Segmentation

no code implementations MIDL 2019 Francesco Caliva', Rutwik Shah, Upasana Upadhyay Bharadwaj, Sharmila Majumdar, Peder Larson, Valentina Pedoia

An experimental study was conducted showing the superior performance of the proposed method over a combination of a standard MRI reconstruction and segmentation method, as well as alternative deep learning based solutions.

MRI Reconstruction Segmentation

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